


Related quest in a quest item tooltip

rbpaiett opened this issue ยท 0 comments


If you can't do this or is not worth the effort, I understand.

I'm looking for a feature where if you have an item in your inventory but do NOT have the associated quest with that item, the associated quest would be in the tooltip at the bottom (seems to be the best place to put it imHo).

I realize that you have quests and their items already indexed in your search engine and I LOVE it.
I'd just like it also featured in an item tooltip for quick reference whether you have the quest or not. It's also useful when the game doesn't remove a quest item from your inventory after you've completed the related quest, and you can't remember which one.

For example:

The item Soft Bushy Tail is the item needed for the quest Soft Bushy Tails. I'd like that quest title put into the Soft Bushy Tail tooltip (e.g.: Found in quest: Soft Bushy Tails) for a quick reference. It may be redundant because one could look it up in your search tool but I'd like it all the same.

The expired vanilla addon QuestItem is the closest addon I can think of to what I want but it doesn't work in Classic.