


Addon is spamming chat even when I'm not using the addon and have no group listed

alecjpav opened this issue ยท 5 comments


These are the two messages that are being spammed in chat:


I asked general chat if I am saying anything but people are telling me no. ClassicLFG is the culprit, as I don't get these messages anymore when I disable the addon.


ClassicLFG doesnt send any messages if you did not create a group with it. Also you can select the channel in the settings, can you try to play with it a bit, what is shown in the screenshot is not reproduceable. Describe which steps you took to get to this.


I've had this happen too, I think my steps were

  • /leave 1 - General
  • relog
  • classicLFG's channel is now 1 - ClassicLFG
  • /leave 1 - ClassicLFG
  • /join General
  • spam happens. pure speculation: maybe classicLFG still thinks its channel number is 1 and so tries to spam 1 - General?

But I'm not 100% sure. If I can get it to happen again I'll let you know what I did.


Ah that makes sense, It tries to send addon messages on a global chat, thats not possible, hence the error message. You cannot leave the ClassicLFG channel, otherwise the addon stops working. Just do /reload and it should join the channel again.


Something like this happened to me. People were asking me to invite them after I used the "Join a Group" system. I've never used the "Create a Group" system. I dunno why they are messaging me. I did't check to see what I might have been saying in LookingForGroup at the time but I'll check if it happens again because this is just weird.


This happens if you create a group. Randomly the GROUP DATA information disappears. The system is still looking for more even though it shows it's blank. To reset, you enter any data... create and remove. Then it resets the system and stops LFM.