- 1
Messages which include #noclassiclfg should not get forwarded
#21 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Synchronize applicant list when new player joins the group
#20 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Auto Invite Information on DungeonGroup not profile
#30 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Only synchronize talents for groups <= 5
#31 opened by Gamko2 - 1
Add Settings for invite keyword
#22 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Clear ApplicantList when group is dequeued
#23 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
get player data with who query and add to "inv" keyword
#25 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Remove Applicant from list when already in group
#24 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
auto invite applicants option in create group
#26 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 1
Implement message buffer in network
#27 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
dont add player to the applicant list when he is already in group
#28 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 1
Translate "already in group." message for german client
#29 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 2
Hide Minimap Icon Setting
#34 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Enable searching groups while being in a dungeongroup
#35 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Timer on Chat Groups
#36 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Hide Srollbar if length is not long enough
#37 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Mouseover for Grouptitles only on the title not group card
#38 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 2
Certain LFGs not being picked up
#39 opened by sinkda - 2
Search Criteria not stored between windows
#40 opened by sinkda - 1
Manually Hide group
#41 opened by sinkda - 1
Mark friends/guild in LFG a different color and sort them to the top
#32 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 1
Mouseover tooltip to show group titles
#33 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Add search input field for searching custom groups
#43 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Update DungeonList on level up
#44 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Message that no group could be found for the given criteria
#45 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Russian Translation
#46 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Change group posting to a more natural way
#47 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 1
Toggle for turning on/off advertising a group in chat
#48 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 1
Toast message to display new dungeon groups that fit search
#49 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
"inv" whispers of below level 10 characters should show up as an applicant
#50 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 1
Chatparser is not picking up full dungeon names
#51 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 1
Korean Translation
#52 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Change log for version changes
#53 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Display Attunement done for raids
#54 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 1
Toggle to not share talents
#55 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
LFG tab
#63 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 3
Filter on auto-invite
#64 opened by sinkda - 9
Blizzard breaking the LFG- Addon
#65 opened by kevinjpetersen - 1
Fix order of dungeons in the dropdown menu
#66 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Change LFM Filter
#67 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Force advertising group in chat
#69 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Remove Autoinvite
#68 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Remove invite message
#70 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Remove custom channels from list of possible posting channels
#71 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Add Brazialian Translation
#57 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Korean Language include
#58 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
Force to set note on queue
#59 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 1
disable auto join for all categories except custom
#60 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
french language support
#61 opened by DomenikIrrgang - 0
update german
#62 opened by DomenikIrrgang