ClassicPlates Plus

ClassicPlates Plus


[Request] ARGB to HEX colour code conversion

P1xellat3d opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hi there, I am using your addon on the Cataclysm classic client, which is not officially supported but seems to work still.

The only part that doesn't work is the settings menu, which I can get around by editing the ClassicPlatesPlus.lua file in the WTF folder.

Question that I have is - you have the colour picker for certain things (e.g. threat warning) set to use values of a,r,g and b, but they don't seem to be traditional ARGB values. Is there a conversion for these numbers to HEX or something else?

Here is part of the code that I am referring to:

["ThreatWarningColor"] = { ["a"] = 1, ["b"] = 0, ["g"] = 0.6, ["r"] = 1,

Thanks in advance!