Clippy Assist

Clippy Assist


Implement behaviors (

Ernest314 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


single animation, multiple triggers

  • Alert
    • raid warning
    • paragon chest complete (#19)
    • received zone quest (legion/bfa assaults) (#31)
    • readycheck
    • role check
  • CheckingSomething
    • encounter journal open (#33)
    • reading TRP/MRP (#34)
  • Congratulate
    • raid boss kill
    • key timed (#22)
    • rare elite killed
    • received AH mail
    • quest completed
    • island finished
    • warfront complete
    • received achievement
    • reached reputation level
    • level up
    • resurrected
    • duel won (#23)
    • crafting complete
    • new mount
    • new pet
    • new toy
    • new appearance set
    • barbershop finished
    • all battlepets healed
  • EmptyTrash
    • died
    • key failed (#22)
    • raid boss wipe
    • duel lost (#23)
    • deleted item
  • Explain
    • weakaura speech bubble (while idle)
  • GetAttention
    • going afk
    • afk logout starts
  • GoodBye
    • casting hearth
    • casting teleport
  • Greeting
    • load
  • Hide
    • cast invisibility
    • cast stealth
  • Print
    • export WeakAura
  • Processing
    • viewing LFG applicants
  • Searching
    • viewing LFG groups
  • SendMail
    • mail sent
    • trade complete
  • Show
    • exit invisibility
    • exit stealth
    • cancel logout
  • Wave
    • interact with frame

single trigger, multiple animations

  • Idle
    • GetArtsy
    • GetAttention
    • Look{direction}
    • Print
  • Aggro drop (e.g. fade, feign death)
    1. Hide
    2. Show
  • Pull timer
    1. GetAttention
    2. Gesture{direction} (towards center of screen)
    3. Look{direction} (towards center of screen)
  • Log out (timer)
    1. Wave1
    2. Save
    3. Print
    4. GoodBye

The rest of these will be implemented in their own issues; they're not critical for v1.0 release.