Combat Mode

Combat Mode


FEATURE: Add clear target as a mouse button override option.

sampconrad opened this issue ยท 2 comments


There's an issue that happens w/ SoftTargeting (called Reticle Targeting in the addon) where sometimes your target can get stuck - hard locked - requiring a manual swapping or clearing of the target by pressing esc/tab.

This is an issue with Blizzard's implementation of the SoftTargeting methods, and there's nothing I can do code-wise with the addon to fix it, as the ClearTarget() method has been made private a few expansions ago.
But there is a very easy solution you can do in-game, though!

Create macros that have /cleartarget in them for the abilities you're using the mouse clicks for.
Ex: I create the following macro named CM_SoulCleave

/cast Soul Cleave

Then go to CombatMode options > base clicks > and set the Left Click action to a macro and type the name of the macro I just created, "CM_SoulCleave".
Now I won't run into the hard locking issue when using Reticle Targeting anymore.


Solved on #34