


Combobreaker dont work

ChadoFR opened this issue ยท 11 comments


Hello ! Thank you for your addon :-)

Unfortunately, Combobreaker just dont work. Im a windwalker monk, i can see and move the pop-up, but while in combat, nothing happen, after 20+ combo.


Hello - thanks for using it!

Is there any lua errors popping up when you are in combat?


No lua errors ! Nothing pop even in combat. Idk why. I tried this addon without other addons, just combobreaker, and nothing happens again after 20+ combo.


Are you talented for Hit Combo?

The addon works only with the talent.


Sorry for my bad english, im french...

The addon dont work at all, nothing happens. I see the hit combo buff near the minimap, it never disappear. Yes i can make a record of this, i will send you when i can !


Don't worry about it! I can understand you just fine. I just wanted to make sure I understood your situation. :)

Trying to think what is causing this issue. I had my friends test it and it works flawlessly for them.

I assume you have the latest update (you can update via curseforge or ajour - I recommend ajour via url with this repository, if you haven't).


Yes i have talented Hit Combo ! Its weird !


Hmm, weird.

I assume that the combo shows up from 1-20 hits then it stops working. Did I understand that correctly?

If that is the case, can you monitor the Hit Combo buff and see if it disappears after 20+ combo? Check if there's any soulbind conduits (or anything) that is interfering with the buff.

If possible, you could record it for me to view so I can get a better idea of what's happening.


Video is here ! Its up to date with WoWUp (linked to curseforge).


Thank you for the video!
I think I know the issue - localization - right now it searches for the buff by English name. Whoops. I'll try to get it fixed and updated ASAP.


Okay, I've uploaded a zip with localization. Could you test it and make sure it works?


It works ! Nice one :-) Thanks this addon is awesome