Combuctor (native Bagnon)

Combuctor (native Bagnon)


Fishing bags (Tackle box) are 0x8000, not 0x100000

JuddMan opened this issue ยท 3 comments


The bitmask for the tackle box is 0x8000, which is why it does not show up as a Trade bag in Combuctor, nor the All / Normal category


To fix this bug, change 0x100000 to 0x8000 in these two files:

That works for me.

This macro tells you what the type is for a named item:

/script type=GetItemFamily("Lure Master Tackle Box"); print(format("%x in hex. %d in decimal", type, type));

That printed out 0x8000 for me. Perhaps it used to be 0x100000 in beta?

Of course, you need to actually have one of those bags in your inventory to run that macro, but if you don't, it works on fish, rods and lures as well. just change the name to any fishing item you have.


Nifty :) I was going by the documentation I could find which listed it as 0x100000. Heading out of town for a day or two, so hopefully I'll be able to fix this + the other issue on Sunday/Monday.


This is fixed in 2.3.2