Combuctor (native Bagnon)

Combuctor (native Bagnon)


Bag slot background colour does not update when bags swapped

JuddMan opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I have created a filter for combuctor that is simply a combination of the default "All/Normal" and "All/Trade" sets on one tab.

When i swap out a normal bag for a trade bag, the number of empty slots updates as expected, but the background colour of the slots doesn't change.

So if i swap out a 20 slot bag for a 16 slot enchanting bag, the number of slots shown will decrease by 4, but the slots that now belong to the enchanting bag will not become green until i close and reopen the bag frame.

Likewise, if i swap the 20-slot bag back in, 4 new slots appear, but the 16 that previously belonged to the enchanting bag are still showing as green.

closing and reopening the bag frame will fix it, so it is only a very minor glitch and causes no harm.


CombuctorSet:RegisterSubSet("Judd's", L.All, nil, function(player, bagType)
  return bagType and bagType == 0 or
         bagType and, BAGTYPE_PROFESSION) > 0