Combuctor (native Bagnon)

Combuctor (native Bagnon)


Several suggestions/enhancements

Darkloke opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hello. First of all - thanks for the addon. Long time i used elvui bags module for bag enchancements, but several days ago find ur module and found it very nice to use (esp. with scrap integration).

But since i saw many bag addons i would like to ask - can u add to the combuctor several features that are already common for other bag addons and which became "necessary" for me as a user?

Here are they are:

  1. Item sorting - self-explanatory. Widely used function even with ui compilations and not only bag addons.
  2. Item stacking - self-explanatory also. Would be great if both of sorting and stacking functions can be used with guild bank also.
  3. Red overlay for the items that cannot be equipped - nice function, which i discovered in the gui addon (possible came from arkinventory).
  4. Item level overlay for gear - nice function too, was requested by some user for the one of the bag addon - i think its a good idea, coz it allows quickly sort low-level items.

And the second part of this issue is about item categories. The problem is that some items (imho) lie in the wrong categories. I am not a programmer, but i suppose that u used some apis to automatically determine item type or class and that fact they that lie in wrong categories is caused by blizzard, not u. Here are some examples:

  • In the "gear" set i have: Iron Boot Flask; Orb of the Sin'dorei and Frenzyheart Brew.
  • In the "consumables": Direbrew's Remote; Vrykul Drinking Horn and Imp in a Ball.
  • In the "reagents" i have Eye of Sulfuras (not sure which categorie it should have though)
  • In the "misc": Giant Dinosaur Bone (which is a quest item)

Thats the examples i have on my main toon. Possibly there are others, but i just gave the general idea.

Thanks in advance.