


Bid overview missing

delarocka123 opened this issue ยท 3 comments

  1. Addon Version and Release e.g. 3.2.1-r57
  2. creenshot attached
  3. Issue first showed up during our last raid on August 31. Last week all my addons were messed up, deleted them all, deleted WTF folder and reinstalled everything using twitch. When I open the bid window (/dkp bid) or when it opens automatically, I only get the upper part (Item, Minimum bid etc). the lower part showing all other players bids does not show up. The screenshot shows how it looks like right now without actual bids comming in, of course. During a real raid-loot auction I see the exact same thing. The bids show up in my chat window, but I don't get an overview.

Of course I tried communityDKP with every other addon turned off, same issue. I tried reinstalling and deleting the WTF folder. Same issue.



Thank you so much for filing a bug or feature request! You're helping to make CommunityDKP even better!


Try updating to Version 60 and let me know if you have the same issue, outside of that:

  1. Make sure that you sure that Announce Bids is checked in the DKP Modes Misc screen.
  2. Make sure that you are listed as an officer in the DKP app (guild rank or whitelist)
  3. Have an officer (or you) verify that all DKP Mode settings are correct and then do a broadcast modes.

Coincidentally i can confirm, that point 3. (broadcast the dkp modes settings) resolves the issue with the missing bid frame extra part in MonolithDKP and CommunityDKP.