


Mains/Alts linking

Decypherx opened this issue ยท 2 comments



First off, thanks for keeping this addon alive! Last addon standing, that isn't filled with bugs etc! Great work, keep it up :)

Now for the suggestion; We have tons of max lvl alts in the guild. I would love some way of linking alts to their mains. I got no idea how hard it would be to code the addon to read alt names in brackets from officer notes or public notes.

If I link Decyphers as the alt of Decypher, then in the public notes of Decyphers it would read [Decypher] or [Decypher-Ashbringer] and the addon would be able to identify that Decyphers is an alt of Decypher. We're gonna go with account shared DKP pools, alts can bid on stuff in Molten Core and such. :)

If that was to be implemented, it would be the perfect DKP addon (for us at least :) )

Thanks again for all the work in keeping this alive!


Thank you so much for filing a bug or feature request! You're are helping to make CommunityDKP even better!


So i noticed this comment and we have the same thing.
Currently we are using Guild Roster Manager addon to actually track which alt belongs to who. Maybe that's a good thing to check out copy/link into CommunityDKP?