Companions Tracker

Companions Tracker


[BUG] v0.1.7 - Character selection dropdown results in Lua error

keflatbn opened this issue · 4 comments


Describe the bug
Selecting characters in dropdown results in lua error.

To Reproduce

Addon version:

  • Version 0.1.7

Lua eror (if any):
<1x ...rfaceCompanionsTracker/GUI/OverviewFrame.lua:260: attempt to index field 'owner' (a nil value)
[string "@CompanionsTracker/GUI/OverviewFrame.lua"]:260: in function func' [string "@Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/NavigationBar.lua"]:298: in function <Blizzard_FrameXML/Mainline/NavigationBar.lua:294> [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: in function securecallfunction'
[string "@Blizzard_Menu/Menu.lua"]:854: in function `Pick'
[string "@Blizzard_Menu/MenuTemplates.lua"]:64: in function <Blizzard_Menu/MenuTemplates.lua:58>

self = Button {
menuPointX = 0
Event =

intrinsic = "DropdownButton"
Art = Texture {
callbackTables =
menuRelativePoint = "BOTTOMLEFT"
menuPointY = 0
menuDescription =
menuAnchor =
PushedTexture = Texture {
NormalTexture = Texture {
menuPoint = "TOPLEFT"
menu = Frame {
id = "Ratbull-Deathwing"
_navNar = Frame {
overlay = Frame {
template = "NavButtonTemplate"
homeButton = TopHomeButton {
overflowButton = TopOverflowButton {
navList =
KioskOverlay = Frame {
freeButtons =
widthBuffer = 20
home = TopHomeButton {
overflow = TopOverflowButton {
(*temporary) =
characterListFrame = Frame {
tabsData =
expanionBackground = Texture {
base =
AceGUIWidgetVersion = 1
buttonsFrameGroup =
localstatus =
content = Frame {
missionsTabGroup =
userdata =
scrollFrame =
type = "ExpansionOverviewFrame"
events =
children =
subFrameRenderFrame =
expansionTitle = FontString {
navBar = Frame {
frame = CompanionsTrackerExpansionOverviewFrame1 {
selectedTab = 9
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'owner' (a nil value)"
frame =
characterListFrame = Frame {
tabsData =
expanionBackground = Texture {
base =
AceGUIWidgetVersion = 1
buttonsFrameGroup =
localstatus =
content = Frame {
missionsTabGroup =
userdata =
scrollFrame =
type = "ExpansionOverviewFrame"
events =
children =
subFrameRenderFrame =
expansionTitle = FontString {
navBar = Frame {
frame = CompanionsTrackerExpansionOverviewFrame1 {
selectedTab = 9


Is this the top character dropdown ?


Yes its the top bar character selection. Its not a big deal, if I use the tiles to select characters everything works perfectly :)
Dont stress, just super thankful you put the effort to update <3


Will get a patch over the weekend, worked last night mmm IF you find anything else post them here sorry for all these errors ):!


Works perfectly, thanks again for the fast solve!