Contro Mage missing dependency
castlespiritz opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Hi Im a level 70 frost mage. I have loaded the contro panel and contro mage but I have a missing dependency problem. I loaded all my charaters and they all have same problem. I removed all the addons from contro panel and contro characters (mage, druid, hunter,ect) in curseforge. Then I cleaned and updated my PC and I still have the same problem. Im not computer savvy but I try. Hopefully I loaded the right addons to run your app from curseforge. What do I need to do?
I pasted a pic here... hopefullly I did it right. Thanks
Hey there,
You are missing the base addon. Conflicted Rotation Optimizer - ConRO
Thank you that works perfect! where do I find explanation's of your symbols.. like the skull
In Options > addons > Conro you will find some settings such as colors that give you a basic idea.
We are working on adding some documention to the discord server that will have some more tutorials for everyone.