


Keyboard: jump instead of space in chat when using PC keyboard

Opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I have tried to just type commands in from my laptops keyboard(because layout switch is deep in settings and cannot be accessed with keyboard being opened), and I have noticed that if I press space on the keyboard with chat window open, character instead jumps and chat window gets closed. Instead I need to use Y from controller, which in that case inserts both space and 6(I have it bound to 6 on my controller)


This only relevant because player cannot switch layouts as I posted in #19


Also I have tried to swap buttons(close with space) to avoid different meanings(physical space closes the keyboard)

So with changes it looks like that:
swap space-close

For me that feels logical change, as A on the controller is mapped to space(jump) anyway, so at least for me it feels natural to expect that it will be space in keyboard as well. I can create a pull request for this, but it feels unright to do so without any prior approval.

Ping @seblindfors


Physical space does not close the keyboard on an English client. I'm not sure why it does on a Russian client. Usually, when you press a button that isn't bound to the controller itself, the keyboard will fade out and let you type as usual. It refreshes the time out anytime you press a button that doesn't belong to the controller, which should let you use the physical space button along with any other button that's not bound to ConsolePort.


The keyboard addon does need some work, not only in this area, but I haven't got around to it yet.


Well then I just need to rebind it to something else and recalibrate.