


Stuck going forwards

BanditTech opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I have been using this addon successfully for a few days, but I have run into this issue a few times. I barely tap back on the L stick and it starts to run forwards and won't stop, sometimes slightly tapping forward on the stick will also get it stuck running forwards. I have changed the dead zone and it does not help, what have I done wrong? it feels like all that happened was you guys updated the addon, or wowmapper had an update both in a short time. how should I test this to figure out what to fix?


Found what the issue was, it was the setting to toggle auto run/walk. Because I have modified my autorun to the / and changed walk to Shift /

For some reason it was working before fine, why is it not reading my keybindings?


Disable the feature if you're having issues. Regardless, it's not an issue with ConsolePort because ConsolePort can't control movement.