


General feedback #2

seblindfors opened this issue Β· 142 comments


Use this thread to post general feedback. What you should post here:

  • Constructive general feedback
  • Wanted changes
  • Wanted additions
  • Rants about terrible implementations

What you shouldn't post here:

  • Bug reports
  • Marketing concerns

Hello, i'already binded stuff as i wanted for the test i was doing, so you can put restrictions again.
I was just curios about something i'm gonna show you in a few minutes


I want to remove the restrictions anyway, to make it possible to select focus, change chat tabs, zoom in on map etc. Basically, whatever you want that is clickable in the interface. Right now, it might cause bugs if you try to bind stuff that is loaded on demand, such as Compact raid frames.

I'm going to implement a system for separate raid bindings, so that healers can load a separate set for raid groups where they can bind buttons to the raid frames.

Uploading the new build in a second. I think you'll love what I've done to the rebinding process πŸ˜‰


Can't wait to see!

Meanwhile, i'm gonna share some offtopic i did today.
After seeing the way you display the combos in the game menu, it inspired me for an action bar layout for those tweaking lovers.
(I personally prefer to leave the default WOW UI so i can upgrade the game without worrying about messing it up, but i really had to test that idea to see how it works)


Expanding the concept you put on the combo tooltip in the game menu, you find that the buttons are sorted by it's difficulty of reach.
(The easiest button to reach is the square, while L1+Square is a bit harder, L2+Square is harder and L1+L2+Square is the hardest )
You can sort action bars using the same concept. In that way yo can easilly configure types of combos, or place spells on the grid depending on its relevance for your game play.

Here's a little heat map to explain the idea.

For example: The top row is used for the Main Spells, Rotation, Etc. Those are the easier buttons.
From there for example we have that R1 column is dedicated to fast movement spells, and R2 column is dedicated to healing spells sorted on how much i love them in combat and so on.

Edit: I also guess a layout like this could help to improve some things: If you are spamming a spell that is placed on the red zone, you may reconsider placing it somewhere easier to reach.

The last three spells of each row (The blue box) are unbinded and they are for those fancy little things we have: Customes, shapeshifting, etc.

I've been playing a bit with it, and even though i'll go back to the default UI, the esperience was quite pleasant.


That's interesting. But I would argue that R1+R2 are the easiest buttons to reach, because you can click them even while turning the camera πŸ˜‰

Now, I'd like you to test two things for me.

  1. Try rebinding action buttons with the new system and let me know what you think
  2. Try rebinding to dominos buttons and see if shit hits the fan

oh... touchΓ©... I will reconsider those buttons.

Going to rebind stuff


Wow that is awesome!!!
ΒΏIs there some kind of fading flash available? not the ant animation, just a plain white surface that fades to transparent like a flash bang? if not, don't worry :D I suggest that to use when unbinding keys (yay) and at the end of the traveling spell when he reaches its cell. The animation on the action bar is just perfect.

I did bind stuff in Dominos and Default UI, and it worked all perfectly.

As a side note, when you unbind stuff and re-open the controller window, things get funky:


How did you make that happen? I added a fix to prevent binding to config buttons, which will be included in the next build. I also added a "glove cursor" when the target button doesn't have an icon.


I hovered each cell and clicked the left mouse button (L3) and closed the window.
Then after reopening, things appeared that funky. Also each unbind came with the ant animation highlight + the kick icon. Wich i guess it's a very appropiate bug


After investigating I found even more bugs. Looks like I rolled this out too soon. Rebinding the main action bar doesn't work properly, it just looks like it does. I've fixed this now along with a few other issues. Will upload new build now.

Edit: Can you check if you can still recreate the bug with build 0.2.23? I can't do it from the description you provided. Remember if you want to completely reset your bindings, you can type /cp resetAll


Oh! now i can't unbind from the controller panel.


It's intentional. There is a problem with the framework and empty bindings at the moment. I will add the ability to have empty bindings when it is completely bug free.


To be able to clear the whole thing and start binding from clean. Or to clean some mistakes.


so no, i couldn't reproduce the bug :)


Gotta ask though. Why do you want empty bindings? πŸ˜•


That makes sense. I will get it working soon enough.


The bindings frame has been improved alot in the last build:


What do you mean?


You can now import settings from other characters, so you don't have to redo it all if you like a specific setup for all your characters.


Wow that's fantastic! didn't thought of that, since i've started trying the addon i did not pick up my main again.


I also fixed a major bug I completely overlooked. Your changed bindings used to get saved regardless if you pressed okay or cancel. The difference was that pressing okay would apply the changed bindings immediately and pressing cancel would apply them the next time you logged in.


I was wondering if I could trouble you for something else. You seem to enjoy making graphics anyway. I've gotten requests to make a quest item button that you can attach quest items to, so you don't have to keep dragging them to your bars.

I've added a PSD to the artwork folder called Extrabuttons, which contains all the existing extra action button graphics, some extra stuff and an instruction layer for the measurements. Maybe you could make something out of it that clearly explains both that it's for quest items and for use with the controller?

These are the existing extra button graphics:


Now that's beauty! I really love the idea.
How it will behavior? each time you get a usable quest item this graphic will fade in and attach the item automatically?

By the graphic, i'm thinnking to pick one of those amazing frams, and add a circle with an exclamation symbol. This will help you recognize that frame as a questbutton frame.

Something like this:


Nice approach! I will try to find something similar, but not that PSX oriented. You know, there is a lot of hate out there xD

I mean to find something that can suit all fans, both psx and xbox


Well, ideally I would like to keep it like everything else; one graphic for each setup.


oh, one gaphic for xbox, and another for psx layout?


Yes. But they should look fairly similar, just distinguished by the icons, more or less.


i like it!


Haha, that's actually quite nice looking. πŸ˜‰

Actually, I think it's a better approach to let the player decide on that issue. It's very common that you have at least one usable quest item in your bag, but that doesn't mean you want that button to show. I'm going to add a tooltip on items in the bag that prompts you to add it to the extra button.


You can do that by programming? I mean pic that asset from wow ui library and a smaller circle frame above with the quest symbol, wich will be a new graphic. Will it save weight?


"I'm going to add a tooltip on items in the bag that prompts you to add it to the extra button"

That's hot!


It will, but not by much. One of those buttons are only about 50kb, so it's not a heavy graphic. When it comes to memory usage, it doesn't affect the addon at all since all graphics are only loaded once when the game client is started. The problem I see with having that particular graphic is that it's not clear that it belongs specifically to the controller addon.

Something to this effect, a bit more customized:


Okay, I've added the layers to Extrabutton.psd in the group Example


Which file was the quest button that you used?


If you have a better suggestion than these, please send them πŸ˜‰


the quest symbol itself, is mine. the round frame is blizz ui


i like your idea, just will polish it a bit


Should I upload what I've done so far or are you making your own version?


yup please


Just pushed that thing in case you want to work with it.


Holy shit! πŸ˜„


This looks amazing. πŸ˜‰




Interestingly, this is pretty much exactly what I imagined in my head before asking you to do this.
Regarding the buttons flying out like that πŸ˜„


Glad to hear :D hope it motivates with the process of converting caffeine into code.


I want to credit you for your work somehow. How would you like me to do that?


I don't know how it is done? A "thanks to:" into the readme file?
Or don't mind, the pleasure to colaborate and do nice things is good enough


I'll make it happen somehow. Now I have to figure out how to add this in-game. Shouldn't be too problematic πŸ˜‰


Can't wait to see. Nowadays i had my struggle with usable quest items.


You're going to love this.
quest button dark bg
questbutton white bg

And this deserves the aggro sound once you summon this frame :D


Quick preview. 😜


That's hot!

Detachable and movable frame?


I'm wondering about a smaller buttons. Same style, but only a bit moar subtle. Gonna test it, i have to send you the xbox ones anyway. ΒΏOr you like it the way it is now?


I agree. The button is a bit intrusive in its current state. I've implemented it and it works. Atm, it assumes your top tracked quest, but I don't like how that worked out. Please show any updates :)


Educe only buttons or flame aswell?


Flame aswell, but just by a small amount.

I also isolated the quest button because I decided to go another route. I'm going to allow players to assign ANY usable item to the extra button, giving the freedom to bind items with one click.

Here's how it works now:


This is going to be awesome. I'm guessing that you will keep the little circle with the exclamation mark when the item attached is a quest item?
I think it's a cool extra reference.

I also thought the triangle would be an awesome key for that purpose.

look at those beauties
qbtn xbox
qbtn psx
qbtn isolated


Thanks! Just uploaded the new build. Both the extra button and the interface frame is movable now, so you won't have any more problem binding to dominos.

You can bind the extra button both using the static bindings (it's at the bottom of the list) or just bind it with mouseover like everything else.


Gonna test this asap.


These look better. And look at that, an Xbox version πŸ˜„
You can make the rasters without the quest icon. I've already isolated it.

Yes, the image above is not a concept, but actual implementation. The quest icon only shows up if you bind a quest item. I'm going to include an option to automatically bind a quest item if there's only one quest item on the objectives tracker, but by default the player has to bind it himself.


What about this new behavior found in WoD?
There is this spell you get whenever you enter a new zone and build a building to get a special garrison action. If you put this button on your bars, it will change its spell automatically as soon as you enter into another zone.

So the question: Auto bind an usable quest item as soon as you enter in the zone of THAT specific quest as long as it is on the tracker?

That is possible/interesting?


Yes, that would be cool indeed. The question is how. The question is also what to do in the case of having two usable quest items in the same area. πŸ˜‰

I think the graphics you have there are perfect. Now push them so I can implement them!


Edit: There you go!


It is public already. What do you mean?


Β‘Forum posts! I don't know, i'm "diedeing" to tell people.
Your work is like the fucking Bohemian Rhapsody of addons. It changes the way we always thought about playing WoW with a controller.
Before this, the answer was easy: "You can, but not in a competitive level".
Now with all the work Blizz did with spell pruning and the implementation you suggest, you can play as competitive as you can.

As i get fluent to the addon, i go faster at panel browsing and panel actions than i did with mouse+kb

It also approaches the game for those who can't sit on a desk to play. (That's my case, I nowadays only play while my baby is sleeping on me)

Also I know a person who has a problem on the arm and can't play with a mouse + Kb for too long, so he plays with a basic XBox controller configuration.

This is what i mean. :D

Edit: by the bit i think i know you, i guess you're looking for a more rock solid state of the addon, to spread it everywhere. there's a lot of work to do still, but i cheer you up for this, because this is big, very big.


Well, it is available here:

But I see your point. It's not exactly "out there". Before I move on to cover the entire interface, what do you think about a virtual in-game keyboard? The only reason I ever lean forward to use my keyboard now is when I want to chat. Unlike the other frames, I think I can make a virtual keyboard that even works in combat.

Edit: A virtual keyboard could be customized with raid icons, emotes, localized versions (Spanish, for example) etc.


Loved it at first sight. there are a couple of details i'll gladly share with you.

A question: When this will be public. people need to know this!


Hehe, i turned into a complete anti-social-douchebag, I don't bother to lean to type stuff. :D
But surely sometimes i missed to talk to someone.

I think it could be nice to have this feature, and i also think that it would be a pain in the ass to select letter by letter with a mouse or a highlight. (though we always do while playing PSX).

What about apart of a full keyboard including some predefined messages?
captura de pantalla 2015-03-28 a las 22 16 35

Now smartwatches use similar feature to quick reply messages.


Oh by the way, i would suggest to polish that interface implementation before doing the keyboard thing, unless that job gets unmotivant and you find better to implement the keyboard.

whenever you want i can help you revieweng each panel behavior button by button to help polish that part.


Now that I'm better at programming addons, I might go back and redo some of it. Maybe, eventually, the whole experience will be customized. What's your take on creating a console style interface replacement? Like Blizz did with Diablo:

A bunch of interesting things found in the way they ported the game to the consoles.

I specially love this:
captura de pantalla 2015-03-28 a las 23 40 27
The key combos showing just the key with a black border. is crystal clear :O


What's your idea? change the whole ui?


Yes, but in Diablo you don't have a ton of abilities to use. πŸ˜‰
They are not even really combos since there are no modifiers.
I'm not sure exactly what I mean, but one thing I find problematic is that the interface isn't tailored for controller gameplay, even if it works alright. It would be nice if all panels were actually part of a click-through game menu, instead of opening the game menu to open a specific panel.


This makes me think.
At the begining you had a clear idea to not interfere a lot or change the default behavior of the game. This is why in your case binded the controller buttons to F-Keys. I found this concept super interesting.
After years of playing and some of them spent into UI redecoration, i got to the point that i like the interface the way it is. I got tired reinstalling everything on each patch, or to not have the same UI on each computer.
Noe the only addons i install are those that doesnt change the UI appearance, so i dont have to bother upgrading after each game upgrade.
With that said,

And after your answer i have a dream:
-An implementation of the addon as accurate as possible and without changing anything of the current interface (panels i mean).

Then, under Menu β†’ Controller, instead of the current window, you could create a huge tabbed panel (tabs broswed by L1-R1) with some of the ingame panels but all tweaked for a better controller handling.

For example, one tab could be your character panel, where you would see the panel itself plus various buttons or bindings to quickly browse, compare and equip items. Or acces to glyphs and specialization tweaked panels.

Another tab would be the binding keys, or the quest log.

The point of keeping the original interface is that users will be able to still perform their common task the way they always did, but when they decide to get a deeper amd better experience, the controller panel will bring you a controller optimized version of some of the most complex panels.

Maybe it there is a chance to create macros to summon specific tabs of that panel? That way i could have a button to summon the tweaked character tab?

Or maybe it is possible to choose what type of panel summon once you hit the character button, the normal or the tweaked one.



Here's a quick mockup I made of a menu system. I couldn't be arsed adding more menu buttons because the ones already in the picture gives an idea of what I have in mind.

The thing about this way of doing it, is that opening the panel the normal way would place the panel where it normally is and wouldn't mess with how it looks, but if it was opened through the "menu", it would look different.

Pressing L1 or R1 would cycle through the panels, as you suggested.


Well, after you get that implementation as crisp as possible, if mass people gets into it. This would be a good start point for a ConsolePort 2, with custom menus and all. Or a plugin for ConsolePort with those features


Wich limitations this has? Wich things you could achieve? You could make a bigger character sheet with buttons of interest and custom bindings?


The limitations are pretty small actually, but it would probably take me more than a year to finish if I were to create a completely custom interface.


Do you have any ideas?


Want me a brainstorm like everything is possible?


What I'm thinking right now, is that the interface works alright in its current state. The major parts are covered, even if half of the desired features are missing. Maybe I should try to create a completely custom experience instead of trying to make hacky attempts at subverting the original UI.


I have a question. What level of freedom you have with this panel?
Are you able to for example get rid of the breadcumb?.
Could yo get rid of the book icon at the top left?
What about only displaying the map?
Are you able to pick specific parts of the frame? or this quest panels acts like an unchangeable block?


I can do pretty much anything.


Well, my heart just melted....

Is there a forum we could discuss those topic in a more spameable way? (speameable=Send thousands of big messages)
You want this thread to report or make addon requests.

Gonna start thinking about this first panel, and it would be nice to start posting our early thoughts to see what we find in common.

Edit: Or open an issue for each panel? Dunno if it is like this how Github works.


Yes. Your ideas are better than mine.


Cool, now before start mocking up, we need to discuss about user needs and the goals to achieve, and then mock up stuff.


If you make any clear cut design for a game menu (or any frame for that matter), I'm pretty sure I can implement it. I'm good with code but only decent at photoshop.


Having played Diablo on PS4, I think the system they have is pretty solid. I especially like the character info and how they equip gear. Now, having a gear wheel will not work, since that is dependent on actual axis readings from the controller, something we cannot do. But maybe it's possible to split gear into groups, where trinkets, rings and necks fall into one category, feet, bracers and waist into another, a weapons category and one for the large gear pieces.

When it comes to creating a menu frame, I think it would be a good idea to have a cyclical design where you can hold and release L1 or R1 to cycle panels. When you release, the orb on which you stopped will open its attached frame. Considering there are quite many panels in WoW and the fact that some of them have rather long names, I'd rather stick with distinct icons for panels instead of titles.

Here's a suggestion:

  • L1 + R1 cycles panels
  • The Icons have animated movement as you cycle through them
  • In the case of frames with tabs, you can use L2 and R2 to change tabs
  • The grayed areas are frame elements that can be stripped away because they have no use to the controller gameplay style.

Btw I've uploaded a new build with only one minor tweak; you can now auto add quest items to the extra button. If you only have one usable quest item in the tracker and nothing else on your extra button, it will automatically add the quest item to the button. If you want to activate on a character that already has a savedvariable, you'll have to use this:
/run ConsolePortSettings.autoExtra = true


Question: Do you have Glow?


There's a template for tutorial boxes that looks alright


Sorry i should expanded my question.
I'm wondering a navugation sytem where you could navigate thriugh diferent sections of a frame with a glow frame that serves as a helper to tell on wich section is your focus, and to summon relative bindings to that section.

In the quest panel, moving left or right while switch between map section and quest log section. (Quest log section would be the default focus)
While in the quest section some highlightable buttons and bindings would appear to let you zoom in / zoom out, show or not objectives, and whatever you need in here.

While in questlog section you could browse quests with all the actual usability you have.

Id like to draw some examples about the concept, gimme a minute and you can tell me if it sounds interesting.


Yes, I kind of understood that was what you meant. The template for the tutorial boxes can be used for other things than tutorials. It has a decent looking glow, but it's a bit too powerful imo.


Yes. A subtle border would be awesome.
Can you work with 9section files? Dunno if i said it right. I mean those square frame things that can be expanded by repeatong the central pixels of each axis.


it seems this is a yes?


Yes. But I don't know exactly how it works. Let me see if I can find an example.




By what i know about is that from a square shaped asset, you can resize it as big as you want without distorting the graphic. The trick is that you set a specific zone in the middle os both axis that will be repeated to fit the desired size. This allows to have rounded corners and do squares that varies in aspect ratio and keep the roundnes of the corners at all time


I don't know about that. What I do know is that WoW uses something called backdrop, where you define a background image, whether to tile the texture (repeat), the size of the border and the insets.

Here's how it's done:
I know you're not a programmer, but the attributes are quite clear.

Regarding the edge file, it says in this article that an edgefile texture "will then be split horizontally by the UI engine into 8 equally sized slices".

  • Left edge
  • Right edge
  • Top edge (Rotated 90 degrees Counterclockwise)
  • Bottom edge (Rotated 90 degrees Counterclockwise)
  • Top Left corner
  • Top Right corner
  • Bottom Left corner
  • Bottom Right corner

For the texture I pasted above, I think blizzard uses texcoords, which is a system where you can crop and rotate textures. I use texcoords to resize the ability backdrop on the buttons in the binding palette, because otherwise the ability textures would be squished together.

Here's an example that does NOT use texcoords. This is the border from the regular tooltip (BlizzardInterfaceArt\Interface\Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border.blp)
And here it is with the sections highlighted, each section is 16x16:

The entire texture is 128x16, so it's a multiple of 8. 128/8=16 so each slice equals 16x16.


And with that you would be able to highlight sections and buttons that vary in size?