


Main action bar actions not working

kilabyte opened this issue ยท 12 comments


i got everything up and working as per the readme however none of my square triangle etc action buttons work. So i can see in the action bar the item highlighting when i press the button but the action is never executed.

If my i move my actions to the bar above the main action bar everything works fine. Any ideas?
screen shot 2015-08-29 at 2 38 00 pm


What addons are you using alongside ConsolePort? There might be a conflict there.

Here are a couple commands that you can run and what they should return with a fresh install:

Checking action page:

  • /dump CP_R_UP_NOMOD:GetAttribute("actionpage")
  • should return [1]="1"

Checking action:

  • /dump CP_R_UP_NOMOD:GetAttribute("action")
  • should return [1]=2

Checking action name:

  • /dump CP_R_UP_NOMOD.action:GetName()
  • should return [1]="ActionButton2"

Please check if these values are exactly the same on your end.


I just have Carbonite Quest installed.
screen shot 2015-08-29 at 2 51 11 pm


Edit: Just saw avenger's shield so it's protection. Logged into my paladin and can't recreate the problem though.

Try dumping these values:

  • /dump HasTempShapeshiftActionBar()
  • /dump GetActionBarPage()

Human Paladin


Try this command and see if it fixes it:

  • /run ChangeActionBarPage(1)

Also, have you checked if the issue happens on other characters?


yes! now it works perfectly! Is this a bug? Will i have to do it every time i run my game?


Unless they made changes to action bar paging in the last WoW patch, it was most likely a bug on Blizzard's end. I've never run into this issue before with extensive testing on every class in the game. Usually when you have a so called "tempshapeshift" action bar, it has its own page number and the addon takes that into account when changing pages on the "fake" buttons.

Anyway, is the bug still there if you logout and back in again?


ya when i quit and re open the game the issue comes back. Also would you be able to make the add on work with the other add on Storyline?


I'm going to add support for addons soon, but for now, you can use this macro to add Storyline:

  • /run ConsolePort.AddFrame(Storyline_NPCFrame, ConsolePort.UIControl, "UIControl")

Note that the cursor might be located off screen as storyline doesn't hide the frames but rather moves them off screen and keeps them visible. This causes my addon to still take the replaced frames into account. You might have to press down a few times on the controller to get to storyline.


I located the bug in my code. I will have it fixed in the next update. A simple fix is probably just changing to action page 2 and then back again.

Thank you for the feedback.


thats awesome thank you so much! now that the addon works with Storyline its even better! and yes a quick fix was just to toggle the action bar. I'm glad i could help :) ๐Ÿ‘


The most recent update on GitHub has the fix you're looking for. It also has a taint issue, causing actions to be blocked after changing button bindings in interface options. A simple way around it is to just /reload, but I won't upload to curse/wowinterface until I've fixed the problem.

Since your issue was resolved, I'm closing this topic now. Again, thanks for the feedback!