


Could u add support for private servers based on 3.3.5.a patch, pls?

Tuccu opened this issue · 1 comments


at this moment we hasn't working version of console port for 3.3.5.a


From Project's Discord:

Use the search bar! It's right up there to the right! ↑
• Do NOT post ⁠support questions in the general channel.
• Do NOT ask for support via private messages. Use ⁠support.
• Do NOT post the same thing in different channels.
• Just ask your question. Don't ask if someone is around to help out. This is a forum, not a support center.
• Be respectful at all times. Do not abuse @mentions. Disrespectful remarks will be answered with a ban.
• Destructive/toxic rants will be met with a ban. Constructive criticism is welcome.
• Do not spam for any reason.
• We do not and will not support private servers.

in depth: FAQ - About private servers