


[Feature] Cost Details: consider selling lower qualities option

domi1294 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hello, I played around a bit with the Craft Data and Cost Details modules and the behavior is a bit weird to me, let me try to explain:

T3 Earthshrine Scales are currently displayed with an expected cost of 213g, I believe it should be shown in the Cost Details window now, I tried closing each window separately and same for the entire profession window.

Something else I noticed is that T2 Earthshrine Scales have an Expected Cost of 128g which means the Cost Details module would always suggest the much cheaper ones at 25g from the auction house. But I could craft them myself and would produce both T2 and T3 Scales and could simply sell the T3 ones on the AH if I don't need them for anything else which would theoretically be better than buying T2 Scales directly from the AH. Side products should imo be considered or it should at least be an option to consider them because currently the Expected Cost is almost always above the AH price as soon as inspiration is involved.


the expected cost thing is a good point actually, Ill have to check how I could include that, an option would be a possibility

I see you are on 8.2.0, if you update to a newer version you will see that you no longer need to set an override to use craftdata
craftdata will now be automatically used if it us lower than the ah cost