


Lua error when using Simulation Mode on Primal Molten smithing items

KyrosKrane opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open Blacksmithing.
  2. Click on any Primal Molten armor recipe.
  3. Check the Simulation Mode box.

This error appears:

12x ...ceCraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:1090: attempt to index local 'currentDropdown' (a nil value)
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua"]:1090: in function `InitOptionalReagentDropdowns'
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/SimulationMode.lua"]:206: in function `InitializeSimulationMode'
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua"]:23: in function <...ceCraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:15>
[string "@CraftSim/Util/Frames.lua"]:384: in function <CraftSim/Util/Frames.lua:383>
[string "=[C]"]: ?

self = <table> {
 NO_WORKORDER = <table> {
 ResetAllNodeModFramesForTab = <function> defined @CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:706
 Init = <function> defined @CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:10
 CreateReagentOverwriteInput = <function> defined @CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:757
 InitReagentOverwriteFrames = <function> defined @CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:1171
 WORKORDER = <table> {
 UpdateCraftingDetailsPanel = <function> defined @CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:768
 GetSpecNodeModFramesByTabAndLayerAndLayerMax = <function> defined @CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:713
 CreateReagentOverwriteFrame = <function> defined @CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:736
 GetSimulationModeFramesByVisibility = <function> defined @CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:1211
 UpdateVisibility = <function> defined @CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:1104
 InitOptionalReagentDropdowns = <function> defined @CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:1040
 InitSpecModBySpecData = <function> defined @CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:907
 InitSpecModifier = <function> defined @CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:364
recipeData = <table> {
 isGear = true
 reagentData = <table> {
 maxQuality = 5
 recipeIcon = 4615256
 supportsCraftingStats = true
 supportsCraftingspeed = true
 learned = true
 isSalvageRecipe = false
 supportsMulticraft = false
 isOldWorldRecipe = false
 buffData = <table> {
 isEnchantingRecipe = false
 baseProfessionStats = <table> {
 isCooking = false
 recipeID = 367601
 categoryID = 1567
 isRecraft = false
 resultData = <table> {
 priceData = <table> {
 supportsQualities = true
 hasQualityReagents = true
 professionStatModifiers = <table> {
 recipeName = "Primal Molten Vambraces"
 professionStats = <table> {
 numSkillUps = 1
 specializationData = <table> {
 isSoulbound = true
 isSimulationModeData = false
 baseItemAmount = 1
 professionGearSet = <table> {
 supportsResourcefulness = true
 professionData = <table> {
 subtypeID = 4
 supportsInspiration = true
optionalReagentSlots = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
 3 = <table> {
 4 = <table> {
 5 = <table> {
finishingReagentSlots = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
convertReagentListToDropdownListData = <function> defined @CraftSim/Modules/SimulationMode/Frames.lua:1044
simModeFrames = <table> {
 resourcefulnessMod = CraftSimSimModeResourcefulnessModInput {
 recipeDifficultyMod = CraftSimSimModeRecipeDifficultyModInput {
 baseSkillMod = CraftSimSimModeSkillModInput {
 detailsFrame = <table> {
 reagentOverwriteFrame = Frame {
 toggleButton = CheckButton {
 multicraftMod = CraftSimSimModeMulticraftModInput {
 inspirationSkillMod = CraftSimSimModeInspirationSkillModInput {
 inspirationMod = CraftSimSimModeInspirationModInput {
reagentOverwriteFrame = Frame {
 0 = <userdata>
 qualityIcon3 = <table> {
 clearAllocationsButton = <table> {
 quality3Button = <table> {
 qualityIcon2 = <table> {
 qualityIcon1 = <table> {
 quality2Button = <table> {
 optionalReagentFrames = <table> {
 reagentOverwriteInputs = <table> {
 quality1Button = <table> {
dropdownIndex = 7
(for generator) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(for state) = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
(for control) = 2
slotIndex = 2
optionalReagentSlot = <table> {
 lockedReason = ""
 dataSlotIndex = 6
 possibleReagents = <table> {
 slotText = "Illustrious Insight"
 locked = true
currentDropdown = nil
dropdownlist = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
 2 = <table> {
(*temporary) = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <function> defined =[C]:-1
(*temporary) = <table> {
 1 = <table> {
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = "attempt to index loc

I tested all the Primal Molten armor recipes and confirmed it happens with all of them. I also tested a sampling of other recipes, including other Spark-based armor and non-Spark armors, and various weapons including Primal Molten. The error did not occur with those. As a result of this error, clicking the Simulate Knowledge Distribution button shows a frame without any skill tree data.


This should be fixed now with the 8.9.0 release

the problem was a missing dropdown frame in the frame pool