


Crafting results - Crafted Items - Quantity crafted seems to be quantity minus any bonus from multifraft rather than added?

Saxayone opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Screenshot 2023-08-20 105007

For example here, I crafted 10 Dracothyst but it states I only made 7 (made 13), did the same on my other character, (2x 7shown as crafter to 13actually made and 1x 8 to 12)

Even in the Json it shows:
{ "totalProfit": 124588515, "numCrafts": 10, "totalItems": [ { "itemID": 204463, "itemString": "item:204463::::::::70:581::::1:40:992:::::", "qualityID": nil, "quantity": 7, "quantityMulticraft": 3 } ],
{ "recipeID": 405847, "numCrafts": 10, "totalProfit": 124588515, "totalExpectedProfit": 43730544.98, "numInspiration": 0, "numMulticraft": 2, "numMulticraftExtraItems": 3, "numResourcefulness": 6, "totalSavedCosts": 47875600, "totalItems": [ { "itemID": 204463, "itemString": "item:204463::::::::70:581::::1:40:992:::::", "qualityID": nil, "quantity": 7, "quantityMulticraft": 3 } ],
I'm guessing that the output for the Crafted Items display only reads the quantity variable which is probably total crafts minus any bonus made items via multicrafts? (rather than crafts-multi procs since only 2 procs)


Seems like somewhere for the output it shows as essentially total crafted = craftResultItem.quantity - craftResultItem.quantityMulticraft instead of adding them together.

Personally just changed the line in CraftResults\Frame.lua around line 190 to:
craftedItemsText = craftedItemsText .. craftResultItem.quantity + (2 * craftResultItem.quantityMulticraft) .. " x " .. craftResultItem.item:GetItemLink() .. "\n"

That seemed to fully fix the output issue for me since I couldn't find the underlying issue but it was good enough for me lol.


Should be fixed in 11.1.0
if there are still inconsistencies please open a new issue


I tried 11.1.2 and yeah it seems to mostly be fixed.
I did notice that if the very first craft is a multicraft then it doesn't track that specific craft fully.

Happened 2 times for me, 1st craft was a multi x2 but the display showed x1 for that craft then worked as normal from then onward.
Screenshot 2023-12-08 213402