


Minor fixes for the ToC file

Myrroddin opened this issue ยท 5 comments


The CraftSim.toc file needs some minor fixes.

  1. Interface: 100206
  2. OptionalDeps: LibStub, CallbackHandler-1.0, Ace3, LibDBIcon-1.0, LibCompress, Auctionator, TradeSkillMaster, RECrystallize, OribosExchange

Loading the external libs first is a good idea. I think the custom libs should be added to the OptionalDeps line, but I am not familiar with their load procedure. Typically, yes, you would add things like GUTIL and GGUI to the line, but in this case, I am uncertain.


I think this might not be necessary since they are listed in the embeds and thus will be loaded based on this


True, although the externals are likely being loaded by other addons. You could be correct about the OptionalDeps. I did say minor fixes. I guess that means simply an Interface line bump, but no rush on that front. If users cannot or have not enabled loading out of date addons by now, there is no helping them ๐Ÿ˜œ


I think that is and should be prevented by loading specific versions of deps using LibStub


FYI, eventually GitHub is going to depreciate checkout@v2 in the workflows folder, release.yml. The current version is checkout@v4. Just a heads-up. It is line 34 in your copy.


FYI, eventually GitHub is going to depreciate checkout@v2 in the workflows folder, release.yml. The current version is checkout@v4. Just a heads-up. It is line 34 in your copy.

thx, good to know