


Crafting Orders window would not open, could not view recipes in Jewelcrafting

jckuhl opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I was making an Jeweled Emerald Whelping. Used an alt to provide materials via work order and then went to craft it on my jewelcrafter. Crafting Order page would not load. Opened and closed the crafting order, reloaded the UI, and then the crafting order finally loaded but there was no "craft" button.

Since CraftSim is my only UI addon for the crafting window, I disabled it and was able to craft. But then I went to look at my other JC recipes and I couldn't click on any of them. A file called Blizzard_Professions.lua was throwing an error. I renamed that Blizzard_Professions_old and I was able to now view all the JC recipes I have as normal.

Unfortunately, I didn't think to save the error in bug sack before I reloaded the UI. I've renabled CraftSim and haven't been able to reproduce. But I still think it's worth reporting. And yes, I have the most recent update of CraftSim.