


Feature Request: new Recipe Scan Option - Profit Optimized

KarraganEU opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Discord discussion for reference:

The current material optimized recipe scan works as follows, for each recipe:

  1. find the highest possible quality the crafter can make for that item
  2. optimize materials (and possibly profession gear)
  3. given those materials, crafter stats and the sell price for the item of that specific quality, calculate profit (and concentration cost + value)
    (4. After every recipe has been calculated, display results in the scan table like this)


Given the sometimes extreme difference in prices for different ranks of mats and craft results, it is possible that this optimized craft is not actually the most profitable all around, just the most profitable for the highest attainable quality.

Example: a craft result a rank lower than the maximum possible might be more profitable, if the optimized materials for that lower rank are significantly cheaper

A profit optimized scan could work as follows, for each recipe:

  1. Find all possible ranks/qualities the crafter can possibly make (e.g. all materials R1, all materials R3, plus everything inbetween)
  2. For each possible quality of that recipe: do steps 2 and 3 of the material optimized scan (optimize mats for that rank, calc profit, concentration cost, etc.)
  3. Of all qualities take the one with the highest expected/calculated profit and display results as before

Additionally, at least if concentration is enabled for the recipe scan, a natural second option would be a "concentration optimized scan".
Instead of taking the quality of the recipe result with the highest profit and showing that, show the one with the highest concentration value (gold/profit per concentration point spent).