


Game Freezing when Using Craftsim with Blacksmithing

AdamanWoW opened this issue ยท 3 comments


On some of my blacksmiths (not all of them) the game constantly freezes when i use craftsim. I turned off all other Addons so pretty sure its craftsim. Buggrabber also finds a Bug related to Craftsim, ill copy & paste the message at the end. Like i said it only happens on some of my (several) blacksmiths and on with blacksmithing.

24x CraftSim/Classes/ProfessionGear.lua:24: script ran too long
[string "@CraftSim/Classes/ProfessionGear.lua"]:24: in function Equals' [string "@CraftSim/Modules/TopGear/TopGear.lua"]:120: in function findFunc'
[string "@CraftSim/Libs/GUTIL/GUTIL.lua"]:111: in function Find' [string "@CraftSim/Modules/TopGear/TopGear.lua"]:105: in function GetUniqueCombosFromAllPermutations'
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/TopGear/TopGear.lua"]:293: in function GetProfessionGearCombinations' [string "@CraftSim/Modules/TopGear/TopGear.lua"]:339: in function OptimizeTopGear'
[string "@CraftSim/Classes/RecipeData.lua"]:603: in function OptimizeGear' [string "@CraftSim/Classes/RecipeData.lua"]:635: in function OptimizeProfit'
[string "@CraftSim/Classes/RecipeData.lua"]:1108: in function OptimizeSubRecipes' [string "@CraftSim/Init/Init.lua"]:544: in function TriggerModulesByRecipeType'
[string "@CraftSim/Init/Init.lua"]:85: in function <CraftSim/Init/Init.lua:83>
[string "@CraftSim/Libs/GUTIL/GUTIL.lua"]:564: in function checkCondition' [string "@CraftSim/Libs/GUTIL/GUTIL.lua"]:570: in function WaitFor'
[string "@CraftSim/Init/Init.lua"]:74: in function `TriggerModuleUpdate'
[string "@CraftSim/Init/Init.lua"]:69: in function <CraftSim/Init/Init.lua:68>

self =

professionStats =
item =
professionGear =
professionStats =
item =
itemLinkA = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:191230::::::::71:73::13:3:8843:8842:8807:3:28:2164:38:8:40:148::::|h[Khaz'gorite Blacksmith's Toolbox |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier5:17:17::1|a]|h|r"
(*temporary) = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:191230::::::::71:73::13:3:8843:8842:8807:3:28:2164:38:8:40:148::::Player-1305-0C80D932:|h[Khaz'gorite Blacksmith's Toolbox |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier5:17:17::1|a]|h|r"
(*temporary) = "Player.-:"
(*temporary) = ""
(*temporary) = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:191230::::::::71:73::13:3:8843:8842:8807:3:28:2164:38:8:40:148::::|h[Khaz'gorite Blacksmith's Toolbox |A:Professions-ChatIcon-Quality-Tier5:17:17::1|a]|h|r"
(*temporary) = "script ran too long"


try turning off sub recipe optimization in the cost optimization module


do you have a lot of profession tools in your bag?


try turning off sub recipe optimization in the cost optimization module

That worked, thank you. Regarding your other question, i only had one other main tool in my bags.