


Remove AH tax of intermediate craft steps

vksokolov opened this issue · 5 comments


Thank you for the addon :)

I frequently chain-craft something, for example I buy reagents R1, R2, R3 and then

  1. Craft R1 + R2 -> C1
  2. Craft C1 + R3 -> C2
  3. Sell C2 on AH

At this point, during 1nd step it calculates C1 profits as (sell price - 5% AH tax) - craft price, but during 2rd step calculations it takes C1 full price.
Lets assume that AH prices are
R1 = 1g
R2 = 1g
R3 = 1g
C1 = 3g
C2 = 6g
then for 1 cycle I spend R1 + R2 + R3 = 1 + 1 + 1 = 3g and sell C2 for 6 * .95 = 5g 70s`
but in the Craft result window (profits section) I'll see

  1. C1 * .95 - (R1 + R2) = 3 * .95 - (1 + 1) = 0g 85s (Cumulative profits: 0g 85s)
  2. C2 * .95 - (R3 + C1) = 6 * .95 - (1 + 3) = 1g 70s (Cumulative profits: 2g 55s)

While the real profits are C2 * .95 - (R1 + R2 + R3) = 6 * .95 - (1 + 1 + 1) = 2g 70s (because I wont sell C1 and buy C1 back).

Is it possible to subtract AH tax for reagents that I use during the same craft session?


I do, but I suspect that I might use it in a wrong way (?)

I just tested this case on Boundless Cipher
1 Boundless Cipher requires

1 Apricate Ink requires


Item Default Overriden Subrecipe
Distilled Algari Freshwater 91c
Luredrop Pigment 23g 47s 0c 20g 60s
Nacreous Pigment 26g 43s 0c 23g 80s 0c
Apricate Ink 234g 0s 0c 191g 26s 61c1
Arathor's Spear 19g 96s 0c 20g 0s 0c
Boundless Cipher 384g 87s 0c

What cumulative profit I can see in the result window:

Item Profit Cumulative profit Calculations
Apricate Ink -118g 88s 20c -118g 88s 20c as expected2
Apricate Ink -118g 88s 20c -237g 76s 40c as expected2
Boundless Cipher -202g 55s 55c -440g 31s 95c not expected3


  1. Data from Sub Recipe Optimization window (191g 26s 61c) 2

  2. (Apricate Ink - 5% AH) - (Distilled Algari Freshwater * 20 + Luredrop Pigment * 5 + Nacreous Pigment * 10)
    = (234g 0s 0c * .95) - ([0g 0s 91c] * 20 + [20g 60s 0c] * 5 + [23g 80s 0c] * 10 2

  3. (Boundless Cipher - 5% AH) - (Distilled Algari Freshwater * 20 + Apricate Ink * 2 + Arathor's Spear * 5)
    Expected: 384g 87s 0c - ([0g 0s 91c] * 20 + [20g 0s 0c] * 5 + [191g 26s 61c]1 * 2) = -117g 08s 77c
    Observed: 384g 87s 0c - ([0g 0s 91c] * 20 + [20g 0s 0c] * 5 + [234g 00s 00c] * 2) = -202g 55s 55c


Are u using the subrecipe optimization feature for that?
I think the craftresults do not yet check for that


Oh, I see, seems like subrecipe db caching isn't being saved to a storage, so I just need to run recipe scanning each time I log in.


so does it work now for u?

