


Cooldown feature requests

BloodqueenLeonie opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I have 3 feature requests all towards the cooldown window.
1. Feature Requests: Automatically add to Queue
I would like to be able to send my cooldowns to the crafting queue via one click. So if I have like 11 characters that are all on different stages of available cooldowns it will calculate it for me and add them.

2. Feature Request: Sort via cooldown name
Right now I'm only doing my tailor cooldowns and it would be easier if I didn't have to change via the 2 cooldowns when counting.

3. Feature Request: Size of cooldown Window
I have like 11 tailors and I am adding them manually together for material shopping it would be easier to add them if I didn't have to scroll.

Thank you for all that you do :D