


PVP/Algari Competitor's Armor cannot be crafted via crafting queue

DaAwesomePwner opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Wasn't sure if this issue was added after checking - currently, PVP armor using Forged Combatants Heraldry (which sets the ilvl of the item to 613 in battlegrounds/arena) is unable to be crafted via crafting queue/recipe scan. When crafting, the crafting bar fills up but nothing is crafted. This happens in Cloth, Leather, Mail, and Plate armor, as well as all weapons (as long as it has the Forged Combatants Heraldry as a required reagent),

This might be because by default there is nothing selected in the combatant's heraldry field (similar to how sparks aren't auto-populated in recipes). Even selecting this in the recipe window still doesn't allow the craft queue to be able to craft it.

I have noticed this to be an issue in TSM as well, so this might have to do with how the crafting function works/maybe item ids? But as of right now, they are needing to be manually crafted, however it usually seems to auto-remove itself from the craft queue once crafted, which helps with knowing what is next to craft.


might have something to do with the quantity that is needed. will check


I suppose this is already on 17.3.3?


So apparently this was fixed at some point maybe with the latest version - I can craft it now. Sorry for the false flag, I didn't see it in the patch notes and assumed it still was not working. Thought I tested it before I submitted but apparently I can craft it now with the crafting queue, maybe I didn't do it properly before. Tested and working with Leatherworking, haven't tested the others yet.

Thank you!