


[CraftQueue] Restock => PriceAPI error (TSM)

netouss opened this issue ยท 0 comments


When i want to restock for all scanned professions, i have this error :

1x CraftSim/Pricing/PriceAPIs.lua:194: Invalid 'item' argument type (must be a string): nil
[string "=[C]"]: in function `error'
[string "@TradeSkillMaster/Core/API.lua"]:498: in function `ValidateArgumentType'
[string "@TradeSkillMaster/Core/API.lua"]:299: in function `ToItemString'
[string "@CraftSim/Pricing/PriceAPIs.lua"]:194: in function `GetItemSaleRate'
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/CraftQueue.lua"]:654: in function `CheckSaleRateThresholdForRecipe'
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/CraftQueue.lua"]:172: in function `filterFunc'
[string "@CraftSim/Libs/GUTIL/GUTIL.lua"]:223: in function `Filter'
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/CraftQueue.lua"]:276: in function <...ceCraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/CraftQueue.lua:264>
[string "@CraftSim/Libs/GUTIL/GUTIL.lua"]:938: in function <CraftSim/Libs/GUTIL/GUTIL.lua:927>

(*temporary) = "Invalid 'item' argument type (must be a string): nil"

In debug i have that :

    Filtering: Culture de champifleurs bouillonnants
    check sale rate for q1: true

I can pass trough that error like that :
-Clear all on the craftqueue (Just to clean)
-Clic on another checked profession on the recipe scan
-This action unlock the "restock" button (it's not restock at this moment, it's "Importing: 2/9" button)

After that, the error stop on another recipe, and i can continue to do that for each problematic recipe and each profession.
But the root issue it seems to be a missing sale rate on certain quality.
Maybe the TSM API can't send enough quickly the information ? Because with my trick to continue, the recipe it's now ok after the first demand.

I'm maybe out of context.