


[Feature request] Price overrides: make them a bit more user friendly

cyrasil opened this issue ยท 0 comments



This is a bit general request but would it be possible to make the UI for price overrides bit more user friendly? What are my current issues:

  • The whole PO UI requires just too many interactions: select the recipe -> open overrides -> open the drop down -> select category -> select item and the specific quality -> input price -> click add. Removal is done in the pretty much the same way.
  • The overrides are added via the recipes. The issue is, when you are trying to override all herbs for example, you have to search for the specific recipes that actually use these herbs.
  • The "clear all" button does not seem to work
  • The list of items is not ordered/grouped and doesn't seem to be reorganizeable; eg: if you override mycoblom r1 and mycobloom r2. they can end up anywhere in the list, depending on the order in which you add other items.
  • It would be great if you could use the overrides as a max buyout price when creating the auctionator shopping lists.
  • The window is small and not resizeable
  • Generaly, the "Cost optimization" window almost seems like a solution for some of the issues above, it just needs an option to edit the overrides there + ability to list all mats in addition to just the recipe mats.

And this should probably be a separate issue, but it is slightly related. Would it be possible to add crafting cost (ie. Price-profit) to the price details window -> the use case would be, that when you override all the mats for a given item you could easily see what's the min price to sell the item without a loss.

It is totally possible, that some of the issues above actually already have a solution and it's just a case of PEBKAC, in that case sorry for the noise;-)

Btw, there's already a slightly related issue here: #254