


Alternative price for crafted Items. (Mainly for use in the CraftSim Average profit window)

cgsub opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hello, I have a little suggestion that I have been often thinking since the start of Dragonflight:

I often end up manually switching between two expressions in the TSM crafted item price expression.

The one I use most of the time is intended to represent the expected price that the item would sell for.
Alternatively I sometime use a TSM Expression which represent how much I actually have to pay to buy that crafted item right now.

(Which actually is about the same expression as the one I use for material costs calculation)

The idea is to have two different prices:
The first that reflect how much I can expect to earn by crafting and selling the item.
The second that reflect how much I could save by crafting the item instead of buying it.

What I would like, is to be able to have access to this information without having to manually edit the TSM settings.

I guess that there are several ways that it could be implemented:

A very basic one would have to have a simple toggle that makes the average profit calculation either use:
The TSM Crafted Item Price and the TSM Crafting Material Price Expressions for the calculation (as usual).
Or use the TSM Crafting Material Price Expression for both the material price and the Item price.

Or alternatively:
having a 3rd TSM price with an extra price on the Average Profit Window, or a specific window for that alternative price.

Hope I managed to make myself clear, it's a simple concept but I feel I struggled explaining it in a simple way ๐Ÿ™‚