


Issue when clicking optimize profit or click concentration checkbox inside recipe edit

cconolly opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Message: Interface/AddOns/CraftSim/Classes/RecipeData.lua:1254: attempt to index field 'concentrationData' (a nil value)
Time: Fri Sep 27 12:50:10 2024
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/AddOns/CraftSim/Classes/RecipeData.lua:1254: attempt to index field 'concentrationData' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/CraftSim/Classes/RecipeData.lua"]:1254: in function CanCraft' [string "@Interface/AddOns/CraftSim/Classes/CraftQueueItem.lua"]:45: in function CalculateCanCraft'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/UI.lua"]:1290: in function <Interface/AddOns/CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/UI.lua:1289>
[string "=[C]"]: in function foreach' [string "@Interface/AddOns/CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/UI.lua"]:1286: in function UpdateFrameListByCraftQueue'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/UI.lua"]:1240: in function `clickCallback'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/CraftSim/Libs/GGUI/GGUI.lua"]:2122: in function <Interface/AddOns/CraftSim/Libs/GGUI/GGUI.lua:2120>
[string "=[C]"]: ?

Locals: self =

supportsQualities = true
reagentData =
specializationDataCached = true
recipeIcon = 134788
relativeProfitCached = 25
supportsCraftingStats = true
professionInfoCached = true
supportsCraftingspeed = true
specializationData =
learned = true
isBaseRecraftRecipe = false
recipeInfoCached = true
priceData =
maxQuality = 3
recipeInfo =
concentrationCost = 188
baseOperationInfo =
concentrationCurveData =
maxItemAmount = 4
professionStatModifiers =
supportsMulticraft = true
expansionID = 10
cooldownData =
subRecipeDepth = 0
isOldWorldRecipe = false
parentRecipeInfo =
professionStats =
supportsSpecializations = true
baseProfessionStats =
concentrating = true
isEnchantingRecipe = false
crafterData =
isCrafterInfoCached = true
isCooking = false
isSoulbound = false
recipeID = 430616
averageProfitCached = 1446172.992550
buffData =
minItemAmount = 4
categoryID = 1975
baseItemAmount = 4
isRecraft = false
resultData =
hasQualityReagents = true
isQuestRecipe = false
numSkillUps = 1
optimizedSubRecipes =
supportsIngenuity = false
isSimulationModeData = false
subRecipeCostsEnabled = false
professionGearCached = true
hasReagents = true
isAlchemicalExperimentation = false
isSalvageRecipe = false
isGear = false
professionGearSet =
supportsResourcefulness = true
professionData =
operationInfoCached = true
recipeName = "Tubo de Ambidestria Elevada"
amount = 1
hasEnoughReagents = true
craftAbleAmount = 9
isChargeRecipe = false
concentrationAmount = Infinite
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
1 =
2 =
(*temporary) = Infinite
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'concentrationData' (a nil value)"


it happens only on my boyfriends computer, mine is ok.


does it always occur for all professions / recipes ?


Yes. Always on every profession. But, just before I answer this post, I switched his WoW language from portuguese to english, and guess what? It worked normally... So, is there any other way to solv this issue so he can play the game in portuguese?


if there is a localization issue the problem would be in the required translations in the portuguese locals file
I cant really help with that much since those translations are community sourced
you would have to take a look at them yourself or ask in the discord


u can open another issue for the localization issue
for now I close this here due to duplicate #582