


Can't import recipes from the recipe scan to the craft queue - running version 18.2.3

Mcgonagol opened this issue · 6 comments


I try to shift + click the recipes at the recipe scan and nothing happens. Then I try to click the "restock from recipe scan" button from craft queue, and nothing happens. Using bugsack, got the following:

11x CraftSim/Classes/RecipeData.lua:1254: attempt to index field 'concentrationData' (a nil value)
[string "@CraftSim/Classes/RecipeData.lua"]:1254: in function CanCraft'
[string "@CraftSim/Classes/CraftQueueItem.lua"]:45: in function CalculateCanCraft'
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/UI.lua"]:1290: in function <CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/UI.lua:1289>
[string "=[C]"]: in function foreach'
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/UI.lua"]:1286: in function UpdateFrameListByCraftQueue'
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/UI.lua"]:1324: in function UpdateQueueDisplay'
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/CraftQueue.lua"]:244: in function AddRecipe'
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/RecipeScan/UI.lua"]:426: in function selectionCallback'
[string "@CraftSim/Libs/GGUI/GGUI.lua"]:3117: in function Select'
[string "@CraftSim/Libs/GGUI/GGUI.lua"]:3150: in function <CraftSim/Libs/GGUI/GGUI.lua:3145>
self =

supportsQualities = true
reagentData =
specializationDataCached = false
relativeProfitCached = 34
recipeIcon = 4549251
specializationData =
supportsCraftingStats = true
professionStats =
supportsCraftingspeed = true
isAlchemicalExperimentation = false
learned = true
isBaseRecraftRecipe = false
recipeInfoCached = false
priceData =
maxQuality = 3
recipeInfo =
concentrationCost = 470
baseOperationInfo =
concentrationCurveData =
maxItemAmount = 1
professionStatModifiers =
supportsMulticraft = true
expansionID = 10
cooldownData =
subRecipeDepth = 0
isOldWorldRecipe = false
parentRecipeInfo =
supportsSpecializations = true
baseProfessionStats =
concentrating = true
isEnchantingRecipe = false
crafterData =
isCrafterInfoCached = true
isCooking = false
isSoulbound = false
recipeID = 447001
averageProfitCached = 14936603.163514
buffData =
minItemAmount = 1
categoryID = 2105
baseItemAmount = 1
isRecraft = false
resultData =
hasQualityReagents = true
isQuestRecipe = false
recipeName = "Magilinha do Amanhecer"
optimizedSubRecipes =
supportsIngenuity = false
isSimulationModeData = false
subRecipeCostsEnabled = false
professionGearCached = false
hasReagents = true
isGear = false
isSalvageRecipe = false
professionGearSet =
supportsResourcefulness = true
professionData =
operationInfoCached = false


can u add the recipe from the crafting ui?


Currently I cannot reproduce the issue


Is this also occuring after a new scan/reload?


Tried again, reloading doesn't make it better. I can't add things from the recipe scan to the craft queue. I can add things to craft queue directly from the crafting UI, but if I try to optimize reagents it stops working
Ran bugsack again:

71x CraftSim/Classes/RecipeData.lua:1266: attempt to index field 'concentrationData' (a nil value)
[string "@CraftSim/Classes/RecipeData.lua"]:1266: in function CanCraft' [string "@CraftSim/Classes/CraftQueueItem.lua"]:45: in function CalculateCanCraft'
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/UI.lua"]:1317: in function <CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/UI.lua:1316>
[string "=[C]"]: in function foreach' [string "@CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/UI.lua"]:1313: in function UpdateFrameListByCraftQueue'
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/UI.lua"]:1377: in function UpdateQueueDisplay' [string "@CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/CraftQueue.lua"]:245: in function AddRecipe'
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/CraftQueue.lua"]:193: in function <...ceCraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/CraftQueue.lua:181>
[string "@CraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/CraftQueue.lua"]:205: in function <...ceCraftSim/Modules/CraftQueue/CraftQueue.lua:201>

self =

isGear = false
reagentData =
specializationDataCached = false
relativeProfitCached = -19
recipeIcon = 236887
specializationData =
supportsCraftingStats = true
isAlchemicalExperimentation = false
supportsCraftingspeed = true
supportsQualities = true
learned = true
priceData =
recipeInfoCached = false
maxQuality = 3
concentrationCurveData =
recipeInfo =
concentrationCost = 85
baseOperationInfo =
professionStatModifiers =
maxItemAmount = 5
professionStats =
supportsMulticraft = true
expansionID = 10
cooldownData =
subRecipeDepth = 0
isOldWorldRecipe = false
parentRecipeInfo =
orderData =
supportsSpecializations = true
baseProfessionStats =
concentrating = true
isBaseRecraftRecipe = false
crafterData =
isCrafterInfoCached = true
isCooking = false
isSoulbound = false
recipeID = 430598
averageProfitCached = -2567657.556800
buffData =
minItemAmount = 5
numSkillUps = 1
baseItemAmount = 5
isRecraft = false
resultData =
hasQualityReagents = true
isQuestRecipe = false
recipeName = "Poção da Linha de Frente"
optimizedSubRecipes =
supportsIngenuity = false
isSimulationModeData = false
subRecipeCostsEnabled = false
professionGearCached = false
hasReagents = true
isSalvageRecipe = false
isEnchantingRecipe = false
professionGearSet =
supportsResourcefulness = true
professionData =
operationInfoCached = false
categoryID = 1973
amount = 1
hasEnoughReagents = false
craftAbleAmount = 0
isChargeRecipe = false
concentrationAmount = Infinite
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
1 =
2 =
3 =
4 =
5 =
(*temporary) = 1
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'concentrationData' (a nil value)"


Currently I cannot reproduce the issue

Think I solved it. Was playing the game in portuguese, changed to english and it started working fine. There is something wrong with the recipe scan when the game is in portuguese
