


LUA error for enchants

hollo6 opened this issue ยท 13 comments


#78 is still happening.
Nitro Boosts seems to be fixed now but Goblin Glider still throws this error, as well as all the old Enchanting recipes.


yes would add them! It would be very very helpful if you could also gather the resulting item for that? If there is any, like for the nitro boost

the enchants are added in 7.4.1


the old enchants might deem a problem though cause to make that work I somehow need the data for all old enchant recipes mapped to their itemID of the resulting item ^^ and I just checked.. libs like LibRecipe and LibCraftInfo are not working

So this might take a while


Would it be possible to just add a guard to not try to call this function when recipe info is missing? Just to avoid dealing with the constant LUA errors.


I actually managed to add mappings for all old world enchants !
However for goblin glider and probably other engineering stuff its not working yet, just enchanting


Well, Enchanting would be a big improvement already.
Should I see this in 7.4? Just tried and the errors are still there.
Goblin Glider is the Engineering back enchant, same category as Nitro Boosts (that's why I've mentioned them together). It says recipe ID is 126392:
4x CraftSim/Data/Classes/ResultData.lua:55: CraftSim: Enchant Recipe Missing in Data: 126392 Please contact the developer (discord: genju#4210)

Would be very nice if you could add this manually like you did for Nitro.


Is this goblin glider thing the back enchant? or the item itself?


There are actually several more similar Engineering enchants, I could gather their recipe IDs of you're willing to fix them manually.


Enchanting looks all OK now, thanks!
Gathering data for Engineering stuff right now, will post in next comment for better stucture.
I think there can't be resulting items for these, they can only be attached directly to equipment.


255936 Belt Enchant: Holographic Horror Projector
269123 Belt Enchant: Miniaturized Plasma Shield
255940 Belt Enchant: Personal Space Amplifier
126392 Goblin Glider
109099 Watergliding Jets
84425 Cardboard Assassin
84427 Grounded Plasma Shield
84424 Invisibility Field
82200 Spinal Healing Injector
67839 Mind Amplification Dish
55016 Nitro Boosts (already fixed)
55002 Flexweave Underlay
54793 Frag Belt
54736 EMP Generator


I believe this is everything, I have clicked through every single Engineering recipe and these were the ones throwing this error.


Are those the recipe ids or the ids of the resulting enchanting items?


These are recipe IDs. There is no resulting item for Engineering enchants, they can't be put on vellums.


should be fixed by now