CT_MailMod error

Farmbuyer opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Opening the mailbox worked fine, but moving the mouse over any particular mail item triggers this:

2x CT_MailMod/CT_MailMod_StockUI.lua:1014: attempt to call field 'SurfaceArgs' (a nil value)
[string "@CT_MailMod/CT_MailMod_StockUI.lua"]:1014: in function <CT_MailMod/CT_MailMod_StockUI.lua:993>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `InboxFrameItem_OnEnter'
[string "*MailFrame.xml:154_OnEnter"]:1: in function <[string "*MailFrame.xml:154_OnEnter"]:1>

self = MailItem3Button {
 itemCount = 16
 index = 3
 IconOverlay = Texture {
 count = 0
 IconBorder = MailItem3ButtonIconBorder {
 hasItem = 16
 Icon = MailItem3ButtonIcon {
 IconOverlay2 = Texture {
mailIndex = 3
mail = <table> {
 sender = "[redacted]"
 receiver = "[redacted]"
 numItems = 16
 money = 0
 isGM = false
 id = 3
 textCreated = false
 wasReturned = true
 wasRead = false
 subject = "[redacted]"
 from = "[redacted]"
 daysleft = 179.991318
 canReply = true
 serial = 1
 codAmount = 0
showMulti = true
gap = nil
(for index) = 1
(for limit) = 16
(for step) = 1
i = 1
name = "Felforged Vambraces"
itemID = 138159
itemTexture = 973447
count = 1
quality = 3
canUse = true
itemLink = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:138159::::::::40:250::9:1:3387:1:9:40:::::|h[Felforged Vambraces]|h|r"
petSpecies = nil
petQuality = nil
petLevel = nil
petName = nil
data = <table> {
 dataInstanceID = 978
 type = 0
 isAzeriteEmpoweredItem = false
 isAzeriteItem = false
 id = 138159
 hyperlink = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:138159::::::::40:250::9:1:3387:1:9:40:::::|h[Felforged Vambraces]|h|r"
 isCorruptedItem = false
 lines = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
 dataInstanceID = 978
 type = 0
 isAzeriteEmpoweredItem = false
 isAzeriteItem = false
 id = 138159
 hyperlink = "|cff0070dd|Hitem:138159::::::::40:250::9:1:3387:1:9:40:::::|h[Felforged Vambraces]|h|r"
 isCorruptedItem = false
 lines = <table> {
(*temporary) = "attempt to call field 'SurfaceArgs' (a nil value)"
module = <table> {
 timeoutValue = 30
 name = "CT_MailMod"
 tooMuchMail = false
 charOptions = <table> {
 options = <table> {
 opt = <table> {
 text = <table> {
 version = ""
 selectedMail = <table> {
 publicInterface = <table> {
 processingSpeed1 = 0.050000
 processingSpeed2 = 0.050000
 selectAllMail = false
battlePetTooltip = nil

It's worth noting that the mailbox functionality still works just fine, e.g., shift-clicking a mailbox entry will open it and auto-remove all items; it's only the mouseover events that are problematic, and only when there's at least one item attached to the message.


SurfaceArgs is no longer needed to be called (and doesn't exist), zap the line.