Dark Theme UI

Dark Theme UI


broken on 10.2?

jacobrreed opened this issue · 8 comments


I turned off all my addons and this still shows, seems to be only player, target, and focus frames


I got the same problem and some weird stuff on questlogs too


I ended up installing dark mode addon instead and works fine


did u delete files from interface? cuz disabling addon itself doesnt change anything.

The addon actually does nothing really, its just an addon to tell you if the github repo is out of sync or has changed, you need to delete all the folder in Interface, (except AddOns or ICONS (if you have that)). Also because its asset replacement a reload wont work, you have to exit game and relaunch


did u delete files from interface? cuz disabling addon itself doesnt change anything.


yeah i did all and got the addon u said, it works fine but its noıt good as this one, its a bit too dark on some stuff :D but thanks for the help i'll use darkmode till this addon is fixed.

if you open the addon, /dm , theres varying levels of darkness you can set, (the left most one is not the darkest, the middle one actually is)


yeah i did all and got the addon u said, it works fine but its noıt good as this one, its a bit too dark on some stuff :D but thanks for the help i'll use darkmode till this addon is fixed.


Hi, thanks for the report I will try to fix it but I have one quick question. Do you guys with broken Character/Target UnitFrames use 2k/4k or higher than 1080p resolution? Because I currently dont have access to 2K/4K monitor so I dont have that problem on 1080p.


hi, i had broken unit frames, my resolution is 2560x1440 but i think when i downloaded new files from yesterdays patch it fixed. thank you very much