DBM - PvP Mods (Requires Deadly Boss Mods) - DBM

DBM - PvP Mods (Requires Deadly Boss Mods) - DBM


Timer for Arena games is always a few seconds to 15 seconds slow.

denumerable opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Title. I can reproduce or make a video if you'd like.


This is in TBCC.


This issue is mainly due to the fact that when blizzard fires a TIMER_START event, it can be COMPLETELY off (it even happens with their own official timers too...).
It should attempt to do a recovery on the 15 second / 30 second / 60 second message however.


Hi QartemisT. Yeah, that makes sense. I've done several hundred games over the last season and, yesterday, since updating, we did around 60 games. Not a single timer was correct. Usually it's about 5 seconds off (gates open with 5s or so remaining).

Most of the time we zoned in right as the queue popped.


Should be more accurate as of changes I did here: