


Lua error

swetlover opened this issue · 1 comments


Describe the bug
Did nothing,just login game! then a lot of lua erros.

Do you have an error log of what happened?

1x DBM-RaidLeadTools\Modules\BidBot.lua:58: attempt to call method 'RegisterOnGuiLoadCallback' (a nil value)
DBM-RaidLeadTools\Modules\BidBot.lua:58: in main chunk

mod = <table> {
 sliders = <table> {
 revision = 20190917190757
 categorySort = <table> {
 DefaultOptions = <table> {
 iconRestore = <table> {
 dropdowns = <table> {
 SyncThreshold = 8
 timers = <table> {
 Options = <table> {
 id = "BidBot"
 specwarns = <table> {
 modId = "RaidLeadTools"
 localization = <table> {
 announces = <table> {
 vb = <table> {
 optionCategories = <table> {
L = <table> {
 Disenchant = "分解"
 Message_BiddingsVisible = "%d 位玩家对此物品出价."
 Guild = "工会频道"
 PopUpAcceptDKP = "保存 %s 的竞价. 分解请设置为 0 DKP."
 Message_StartRaidWarn = "Bid now on %s - whisper to [%s]!"
 Whisper_Bid_DEL = "Your bid has been removed!"
 Party = "小队频道"
 Whisper_Queue = "另一个物品正在竞拍, 你的物品被自动加入到队列中."
 Whisper_Bid_DEL_failed = "You can't delete bids in open bidding mode"
 Raid = "团队频道"
 Message_StartBidding = "对 %s 出价请密语 [%s]! 起拍: %d"
 name = "name"
 Message_NoBidMade = "没有人对 %s 出价."
 WarnMsg_ChanNotFound = "没有找到频道: %s"
 Message_ItemGoesTo = "%2$s 赢得了 %1$s (%d DKP)!"
 AreaHistory = "物品历史"
 Message_Biddings = "%d. %s 出了 %d DKP."
 TabCategory_History = "物品历史"
 Prefix = "[BidBot]: "
 Message_BidPubMessage = "新竞价: %s 出了 %d DKP"
 Whisper_Bid_OK = "你的出价已经被接受: %d DKP."
 Local = "只在本地提示"
 Whisper_InUse = "<移除我>"
 Local_NoRaid = "在团队中才能使用此功能"
 Message_DoBidding = "%s 竞拍剩余时间: %d 秒."
 Officer = "工会官员频道"
pairs = <function> defined =[C]:-1
date = <function> defined =[C]:-1
GameFontHighlightSmall = GameFontHighlightSmall {
 0 = <userdata>
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
 sliders = <table> {
 revision = 20190917190757
 categorySort = <table> {
 DefaultOptions = <table> {
 iconRestore = <table> {
 dropdowns = <table> {
 SyncThreshold = 8
 timers = <table> {
 Options = <table> {
 id = "BidBot"
 specwarns = <table> {
 modId = "RaidLeadTools"
 localization = <table> {
 announces = <table> {
 vb = <table> {
 optionCategories = <table> {
(*temporary) = <function> defined @DBM-RaidLeadTools\Modules\BidBot.lua:58
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'RegisterOnGuiLoadCallback' (a nil value)"
1x DBM-RaidLeadTools\Modules\DKP.lua:189: attempt to call method 'AddBool' (a nil value)
DBM-RaidLeadTools\Modules\DKP.lua:189: in main chunk

mod = <table> {
 timers = <table> {
 specwarns = <table> {
 SyncThreshold = 8
 editboxes = <table> {
 modId = "RaidLeadTools"
 dropdowns = <table> {
 revision = 20190917190757
 Options = <table> {
 buttons = <table> {
 id = "DKP"
 categorySort = <table> {
 DefaultOptions = <table> {
 iconRestore = <table> {
 localization = <table> {
 announces = <table> {
 vb = <table> {
 optionCategories = <table> {
L = <table> {
 Local_TimeReached = "一个新记录被创建"
 History_Line = "[%s][%s]: %s (%d)"
 Local_StartRaid = "开始一个新的RAID"
 Local_Debug_NoRaid = "沒有玩家, 记录创建失败! 请手动创建!"
 AllPlayers = "所有玩家"
 TabCategory_History = "RAID历史"
 Local_NoInformation = "请指定分数和记录名字"
 LocalError_AddItemNoRaid = "没有RIAD记录来添加这个物品"
 name = "name"
 Local_RaidSaved = "成功保存当前团队"
 CustomDefault = "漂亮! 额外奖励!"
 Local_NoRaidPresent = "请在使用DKP自动追踪前加入一个团队"
 Local_EventCreated = "记录成功创建"
 AreaHistory = "RIAD历史"
GetRaidList = <function> defined @DBM-RaidLeadTools\Modules\DKP.lua:12
CreateExportString = <function> defined @DBM-RaidLeadTools\Modules\DKP.lua:62
RaidEnd = nil
RaidStart = nil
CreateEvent = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
 timers = <table> {
 specwarns = <table> {
 SyncThreshold = 8
 editboxes = <table> {
 modId = "RaidLeadTools"
 dropdowns = <table> {
 revision = 20190917190757
 Options = <table> {
 buttons = <table> {
 id = "DKP"
 categorySort = <table> {
 DefaultOptions = <table> {
 iconRestore = <table> {
 localization = <table> {
 announces = <table> {
 vb = <table> {
 optionCategories = <table> {
(*temporary) = "Enable_5ppl_tracking"
(*temporary) = false
(*temporary) = "General"
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'AddBool' (a nil value)"
1x ...faceDBM-RaidLeadTools\Modules\StandByBot.lua:12: attempt to call method 'RegisterOnGuiLoadCallback' (a nil value)
...faceDBM-RaidLeadTools\Modules\StandByBot.lua:12: in main chunk

mod = <table> {
 timers = <table> {
 Options = <table> {
 DefaultOptions = <table> {
 id = "StandByBot"
 specwarns = <table> {
 SyncThreshold = 8
 revision = 20190925154224
 categorySort = <table> {
 iconRestore = <table> {
 modId = "RaidLeadTools"
 localization = <table> {
 announces = <table> {
 vb = <table> {
 optionCategories = <table> {
L = <table> {
 History_OnJoin = "[%s]: %s 在待命"
 SB_History_Saved = "待命列表保存为 %s"
 SB_History_NotSaved = "没有玩家在待命 --> 没有历史记录"
 AddedSBUser = "你现在在待命列表内. 请一直在线直到我们需要你或者将你从待命列表中移除."
 SB_History_Line = "[ID=%d] %s 的团队有 %d 名团员"
 Local_CleanList = "待命列表已清空 (%s 的请求)"
 NoLongerStandby = "你已经不在待命列表中了. 你待命了 %d 小时 %d 分钟."
 InRaidGroup = "对不起, 你在待命前必须离开团队."
 Local_AddedPlayer = "[SB]: %s 在待命."
 Current_StandbyTime = "%s 待命时间:"
 Local_CantRemove = "对不起, 不能移除玩家."
 UserIsAllreadySB = "对不起, 你已在待命列表内. 密语我"!sb off"."
 name = "name"
 Local_RemovedPlayer = "[SB]: %s 已不再待命."
 LeftRaidGroup = "你已经离开了团队. 如果你不想待命请密语我"!sb"."
 SB_Documentation = "待命助手可以让RL管理当前不能参加活动的团员. 以下所有命令都可以用在工会频道中.

!sb                   - 显示待命玩家列表
!sb times             - 显示已待命时间
!sb add <玩家名字>    - 增加一个玩家到待命列表中
!sb del <玩家名字>    - 将一名玩家从待命列表中移除
!sb save              - 保存当前列表
!sb reset             - 清空待命列表
!sb history [id]      - 显示待命历史

想要待命的玩家需要向安装有本插件的玩家密语 '!sb'. 然后他会得到一些说明. 如果想离开列表可以直接密语 '!sb off'."
 Local_NoRaid = "你必须在团队中才能使用此功能"
 PostStandybyList = "当前待命:"
 History_OnLeave = "[%s]: %s 在 %s 分钟后离开了待命列表"
GameFontHighlightSmall = GameFontHighlightSmall {
 0 = <userdata>
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
 timers = <table> {
 Options = <table> {
 DefaultOptions = <table> {
 id = "StandByBot"
 specwarns = <table> {
 SyncThreshold = 8
 revision = 20190925154224
 categorySort = <table> {
 iconRestore = <table> {
 modId = "RaidLeadTools"
 localization = <table> {
 announces = <table> {
 vb = <table> {
 optionCategories = <table> {
(*temporary) = <function> defined @DBM-RaidLeadTools\Modules\StandByBot.lua:12
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'RegisterOnGuiLoadCallback' (a nil value)"

Was it working in a previous version? If yes, which was the last good one?
Dont know,first time ues it.
Additional context
Classic version,chinese client.


Thanks for helpful reports, I pushed fixes to all of those errors, but there could be other errors. It appears these mods needed more testing before re-releasing.