LUA error every 2-3 seconds
Nutrinoff opened this issue · 2 comments
Describe the bug
It happens all the time, about every 3rd second
Do you have an error log of what happened?
1110x DBM-Interrupts/Interrupt.lua:34: attempt to call field 'GetSpellInfo' (a nil value)
[string "@DBM-Interrupts/Interrupt.lua"]:34: in function `handler'
[string "@DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:1052: in function <DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:1039>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:1052: in function <DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:1039>
self =
timers =
categorySort =
SyncThreshold = 8
modId = "DBM-Interrupts"
groupSpells =
iconRestore =
yells =
revision = 20240823063645
Options =
DefaultOptions =
id = "Displays the CDs of interrupts to you (and your raid in some configurations)."
isTrashMod = false
inCombat = false
isDummyMod = false
groupOptions =
SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS = defined @DBM-Interrupts/Interrupt.lua:6
specwarns =
localization =
announces =
vb =
optionCategories =
args =
spellId = 407799
destName = "Undying Laborer"
destGUID = "Creature-0-5211-0-113-210537-00004739BB"
sourceName = "Teranas"
destFlags = 2600
sourceRaidFlags = 0
spellName = "Seal of Martyrdom"
destRaidFlags = 0
timestamp = 1724425872.885000
sourceFlags = 1304
sourceGUID = "Player-5825-02234DCE"
key = nil
value = nil
Name = "Strangle"
ID_no_taint = 47476
Duration = 60
_ = nil
SpellIcon = nil
(for generator) = defined =[C]:-1
(for state) =
Strangulate =
SilencingShot =
OpticalBlast =
Muzzle =
CounterShot =
Silence =
SolarBeam =
Rebuke =
Quell =
MindFreeze =
AvengersShield =
Disrupt =
SpearHandStrike =
Pummel =
WindShear =
SpellLock =
CounterSpell =
SkullBash =
(for control) = "Strangulate"
key = "Strangulate"
value =
1 = "Strangle"
2 = 47476
3 = 60
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 407799
(*temporary) = "attempt to call field 'GetSpellInfo' (a nil value)"
To Reproduce
Did you try having DeadlyBossMods as the only enabled addon and everything else (especially something like ElvUI) disabled?
No, because it worked before one of the last few updates, i only noticed it due to the warning of a lot of addon issues so installed bug-grabber because of it
Which version of DeadlyBossMods are you using?
Was it working in a previous version? If yes, which was the last good one?
Yes, but i'm not sure which
Additional context
The issue is being caused by DBM-Interrupts, which is a 3rd party addon and not officially supported by DBM. The issue has been reported by another user here, so hopefully the author of the addon will fix it soon.