M+ Timer errors in Halls of Infusion, and missing nameplate warnings in Nokhud Offensive
jungheeMW opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Describe the bug
- Various timer errors in Halls of Infusion.
- Missing nameplate timers in Nokhud Offensive:
- Nokhud Warspear - Charge (not the actual name)
- Desecrated Ohuna - Rotting Wind
- Risen Mystic - Swift Wind
- Batak - Bloodcurdling Shout
Do you have an error log of what happened?
Which version of DeadlyBossMods are you using?
DBM-Core 10.2.36-44 alpha
DBM-Dungeons r125
You're still reporting things that are fine?
even your own trancsript
"<647.79 11:16:18> [DBM_TimerStart] Timer386024cdnp Creature-0-3780-2516-12682-194894-00012F0E7C#Tempest#20.6#237589#cd#386024#4#TheNokhudOffensiveTrash#nil#nil#Tempest#Creature-0-3780-2516-12682-194894-00012F0E7C#nil", -- [8055]
"<647.79 11:16:18> [DBM_Announce] Casting Bloodcurdling Shout: 4.0 sec#136185#cast#373395#TheNokhudOffensiveTrash#false#nil", -- [8056]
nameplate timer started for Bloodcurdling Shout cast by Batak. are you just not noticing them maybe?
I did find a bug where tempest announce was also called Bloodcurdling error (as shown above)
but the actual one looks irght
"<1717.82 11:34:08> [DBM_TimerStart] Timer373395cdnp Creature-0-3780-2516-12682-193462-00002F0E7C#Bloodcurdling Shout#19.1#136185#cd#373395#4#TheNokhudOffensiveTrash#nil#nil#Bloodcurdling Shout#Creature-0-3780-2516-12682-193462-00002F0E7C#nil", -- [19750]
"<1717.82 11:34:08> [DBM_Announce] |T136185:12:12|t Bloodcurdling Shout - interrupt Batak! |T136185:12:12|t #136185#interrupt#373395#TheNokhudOffensiveTrash#true#nil", -- [19751]
"<1717.82 11:34:08> [CLEU] SPELL_CAST_START#Creature-0-3780-2516-12682-193462-00002F0E7C#Batak(67.9%-0.0%)##nil#373395#Bloodcurdling Shout#nil#nil", -- [19752]