DBM - Dungeons, Delves, & Events (Requires Deadly Boss Mods) - DBM

DBM - Dungeons, Delves, & Events (Requires Deadly Boss Mods) - DBM


Various dungeon issues in Dawnbreaker and Siege of Boralus

jungheeMW opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Describe the bug

  1. Xally's Bargain: Ascendant - timer feels generally inaccurate. I'm sorry I don't have further details to provide.
  2. Monks that talent into Pressure Points (ID: 450432) are able to soothe enrages with Paralysis (ID: 115078). However, even when Paralysis is on cooldown, monks will still get warnings to purge enraged targets, ignoring DBM's filter.
  3. On the 2nd boss of Dawnbreaker, Anub'ikkaj - are the abilities semi-random when the boss uses them? I turned on audio countdowns for both Dark Orb and Shadowy Decay and I often get two audio countdowns at the same time.
  4. Siege of Boralus - 1st boss Chopper Redhook - general timer error, and also a timer error produced right as the boss died.
  5. Ara-Kara - 2nd boss Anub'zekt - timer error

Do you have an error log of what happened?
Transcripts include the following dungeons:

Older Siege of Boralus transcripts in tickets #302 and #297

filter settings dbm

Which version of DeadlyBossMods are you using?
Core 11.0.24-4
Dungeons r164-2 alpha


2 DBM has no filter for mob based dispels, only player based dispells or mob based interrupts.

So does this mean that I will always get a warning to soothe, regardless of whether my ability is on cooldown or not?

For number 1 the best thing you can do is run verbose debug mode (level 3) in M+ which will log a crap ton more events for the experimental combat zone scanner., but it may make running the key suck cause you're screen will be spammed half to death

Is the spam only in the chat window, or will it appear elsewhere on my screen? If it's only the chat window I can probably just ignore it.


Just in chat window for spam.

and yes you'll always get sooth warning even if it's on cooldown. that tech hasn't not been developed yet for filters.


1 that's hard to solve, i'll look into it but it's really something that needs extensive debugging by me IN the dungeon. Conceptually the timer should be dead on, the problem is detecting group in and out of combat is dogshit because blizzards code is ass. Quite simply, it'll never be fully accurate. I imagine weak auras are a little more accurate cause they piss away massive amounts of cpu and I try to be efficient.
2 DBM has no filter for mob based dispels, only player based dispells or mob based interrupts.
3 EVERY boss in that dungeon has severe spell queuing issues. Nothing can be done about it. When two countedowns are at same time it's because EITHER ability might be next.
4. Duplicate of a previous issue that's now fixed
5. Pushing a fix for this one


For number 1 the best thing you can do is run verbose debug mode (level 3) in M+ which will log a crap ton more events for the experimental combat zone scanner., but it may make running the key suck cause you're screen will be spammed half to death


Thank you for the clarification. I'll see what I can do about Xally timers.