DBM - Warlords of Draenor (WoD) (Requires Deadly Boss Mods) - DBM

DBM - Warlords of Draenor (WoD) (Requires Deadly Boss Mods) - DBM


Error during The Butcher in Highmaul: attempt to compare nil with number

Malivil opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Describe the bug
Error during The Butcher encounter in Highmaul (Both LFR and Normal. Didn't try Heroic or Mythic)

Do you have an error log of what happened?

Message: Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:9371: attempt to compare nil with number
Time: Thu Mar 16 14:16:01 2023
Count: 6
Stack: Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:9371: attempt to compare nil with number
[string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:9371: in function Play' [string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Highmaul/TheButcher.lua"]:103: in function handler'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:974: in function <Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:961>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:974: in function <Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:961>

Locals: self =

type = "stack"
spellId = 156151
option = "SpecWarn156151stack"
text = "%d stacks of The Tenderizer on you"
icon = 133532
flash = 1
combinedcount = 0
mod =
stacks = 2
announceType = "stack"
combinedtext =
sound = true
spellName = "The Tenderizer"
name = "stackhigh"
customPath = nil
always = false
voice = "VEM"
soundId = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 13
(*temporary) = "stack"
(*temporary) = "stack"
(*temporary) =
DontShowFarWarnings = true
SpecialWarningFlashAlph2 = 0.300000
DontShowHudMap2 = false
AlwaysPlayVoice = false
ShowSWarningsInChat = true
SpamSpecRoledefensive = false
RangeFrameRadarY = 178.000107
OverrideBossAnnounce = false
SpamSpecRolestack = false
DontRestoreIcons = false
DontShowNameplateIcons = false
SpecialWarningFlash5 = true
RangeFrameX = 166.000916
FilterTInterruptCooldown = true
FakeBWVersion = false
RangeFrameY = -188.000351
FilterInterruptNoteName = false
AFKHealthWarning = false
EnableModels = true
SpecialWarningFlashAlph3 = 0.400000
SpecialWarningVibrate3 = true
SWarnNameInNote = true
FilterTInterruptHealer = false
SpecialWarningSound2 = 15391
InfoFramePoint = "CENTER"
DontShowPTCountdownText = false
EventSoundMusicCombined = false
FilterInterrupt2 = "TandFandBossCooldown"
SpecialWarningFlashCol2 =
WarningAlphabetical = true
WarningFont = "standardFont"
InfoFrameX = -147.999863
FilterBInterruptCooldown = true
CheckGear = true
SpecialWarningPoint = "CENTER"
StripServerName = true
SpecialWarningX = 0
WorldBossAlert = false
SpamSpecRoletaunt = false
DontPlayTrivialSpecialWarningSound = true
DontShowPT2 = false
GroupOptionsBySpell = true
MoviesSeen =
SpamSpecInformationalOnly = false
WorldBuffAlert = false
SpecialWarningFontCol =
WarningFontStyle = "None"
SpamSpecRoledispel = false
VPReplacesSA1 = true
WarningIconRight = true
SpecialWarningVibrate5 = true
ShowGuildMessages = true
LogCurrentMythicZero = false
ShowQueuePop = true
ShowAllVersions = true
DebugMode = false
SpamSpecRolesoak = false
FilterTrashWarnings2 = true
HideTooltips = false
ShowReminders = true
ChosenVoicePack2 = "VEM"
InfoFrameFontStyle = "None"
AdvancedAutologBosses = false
SpecialWarningVibrate1 = false
EventSoundEngage2 = "None"
InfoFrameY = -216.000336
ChatFrame = "ChatFrame5"
OverrideBossTimer = false
UseSoundChannel = "Master"
ShowPizzaMessage = true
EventSoundWipe = "None"
RangeFrameRadarX = -186.999893
ShowRespawn = true
SpecialWarningFlashCount5 = 3
HideGuildChallengeUpdates = true
DontAutoGossip = false
VPReplacesSA3 = true
LogCurrentRaids = true
FilterDispel = true
HideBossEmoteFrame2 = true
InfoFrameCols = 0
LogCurrentMythicRaids = true
SpecialWarningFlashDura1 = 0.300000
InfoFrameLines = 0
ArrowPosY = -150
AlwaysShowSpeedKillTimer2 = false
LatencyThreshold = 250
SWarnClassColor = true
ShowGuildMessagesPlus = false
LFDEnhance = true
BadTimerAlert = false
DontShowPTNoID = false
HideGarrisonToasts = true
RangeFramePoint = "CENTER"
SpecialWarningFlashCol5 =
SpecialWarningFontShadow = false
EventMusicMythicFilter = true
RLReadyCheckSound = true
DisableChatBubbles = false
NPAuraSize = 40
HideObjectivesFrame = true
SpecialWarningFlashCol1 =
NewsMessageShown2 = 1

To Reproduce

  1. Go to Highmaul raid in Nagrand
  2. Defeat first boss
  3. Go to The Butcher and engage him
  4. Wait ~2 minutes for him to use one of his moves (unsure which) and error will trigger


Did you try having DeadlyBossMods as the only enabled addon and everything else (especially something like ElvUI) disabled?

Which version of DeadlyBossMods are you using?

Was it working in a previous version? If yes, which was the last good one?

Additional context