DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)



Wyr3d opened this issue ยท 4 comments


On entering this raid for farming, the following LUA errors popped up:

Error 1

Message: Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:8443: DBM iconType must be a number. If you are seeing this error your content mods are probabably out of date
Time: Tue Dec 17 17:02:20 2024
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:8443: DBM iconType must be a number. If you are seeing this error your content mods are probabably out of date
[string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:8443: in function AddSetIconOption' [string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Raids-WoTLK/Ulduar/XT002.lua"]:53: in main chunk [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: in function LoadAddOn'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:4241: in function LoadMod' [string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:4177: in function LoadModsOnDemand'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:4045: in function `func'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/modules/Scheduler.lua"]:163: in function <Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/modules/Scheduler.lua:153>

Locals: self =

inCombatOnlyEvents =
timers =
categorySort =
combatInfo =
modelId = 28611
SyncThreshold = 8
numBoss = 1
usedIcons =
encounterId = 1142
creatureId = 33293
modId = "DBM-Raids-WoTLK"
groupSpells =
statTypes = "normal,timewalker"
isTrashMod = false
specwarns =
zones =
revision = 20230522065847
Options =
DefaultOptions =
id = "XT002"
inCombat = false
addon =
iconRestore =
isDummyMod = false
groupOptions =
optionCategories =
yells =
localization =
announces =
vb =
subTab = 5
name = "SetIconOnLightBombTarget"
spellId = 65121
default = true
iconType = true
iconsUsed =
1 = 1
conflictWarning = nil
groupSpellId = nil
DungeonMusic =
ReleaseRevision = 20241214000000
TaintedByTests = false
Arrow =
RangeCheck =
Test =
Voices =
BattleMusic =
InfoFrame =
Flash =
ModLists =
Difficulties =
Music =
classicSubVersion = 0
HighestRelease = 20241214000000
registeredUnitEvents =
VoiceVersions =
AddOns =
Options =
Victory =
Revision = 20241214215312
Defeat =
DefaultOptions =
Counts =
Nameplate =
HudMap =
DisplayVersion = "11.0.38"
Mods =
L =
AUTO_RRANGE_OPTION_TEXT = "Show reverse range frame (%s) for $spell:%s"
ANNOUNCE_PULL = "Pull in %d sec. (Sent by %s)"
OUT_OF_DATE_NAG = "Your version of DBM is out-of-date and this specific fight mod has newer features or bug fixes. It is recommended you update for this fight to improve your experience."
VERSIONCHECK_ENTRY_TWO = "%s: %s (%s) & %s (%s)"
MPROFILE_COPY_SUCCESS = "%s's (%d spec) mod settings have been copied."
TIMER_FORMAT_MINS = "%d |4minute:minutes;"
ANNOUNCE_PULL_TARGET = "Pulling %s in %d sec. (Sent by %s)"
OVERRIDE_ACTIVATED = "Configuration overrides have been activated for this encounter by RL"
LAG_FOOTER = "No Response: %s"
AUTO_ICONS_OPTION_TARGETS_ALPHA = "Set icons on $spell:%s targets with alphabetical priority"
PROFILE_APPLIED = "'%s' profile applied."
PIZZA_SYNC_INFO = "[%1$s] sent you a DBM timer: '%2$s'
[Cancel this timer] [Ignore timers from %1$s]"
AUTO_ICONS_OPTION_TARGETS = "Set icons on $spell:%s targets"
RANGECHECK_HEADERT = "Range Check (%dy-%dP)"
GEAR_WARNING = "Warning: Check gear. Your equipped ilvl is %d lower than bag ilvl"
RANGECHECK_RHEADER = "R-Range Check (%dy)"
RANGERADAR_HEADER = "Range:%d Players:%d"
DBM_INSTALL_REMINDER_DISABLE2 = "Do not show this mes

Error 2

Message: Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:8443: DBM iconType must be a number. If you are seeing this error your content mods are probabably out of date
Time: Tue Dec 17 17:02:20 2024
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua:8443: DBM iconType must be a number. If you are seeing this error your content mods are probabably out of date
[string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:8443: in function AddSetIconOption' [string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Raids-WoTLK/Ulduar/YoggSaron.lua"]:84: in main chunk [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "=[C]"]: in function LoadAddOn'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:4241: in function LoadMod' [string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:4177: in function LoadModsOnDemand'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/DBM-Core.lua"]:4045: in function `func'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/modules/Scheduler.lua"]:163: in function <Interface/AddOns/DBM-Core/modules/Scheduler.lua:153>

Locals: self =

inCombatOnlyEvents =
timers =
specwarns =
hotfixNoticeRev = 20230122000000
categorySort =
modelId = 28817
isTrashMod = false
numBoss = 1
usedIcons =
SyncThreshold = 8
combatInfo =
modId = "DBM-Raids-WoTLK"
groupSpells =
encounterId = 1143
creatureId = 33288
statTypes = "normal,timewalker"
zones =
revision = 20240113024857
yells =
DefaultOptions =
iconRestore =
Options =
id = "YoggSaron"
inCombat = false
isDummyMod = false
groupOptions =
addon =
optionCategories =
localization =
announces =
vb =
subTab = 5
name = "SetIconOnBeacon"
spellId = 64465
default = true
iconType = true
iconsUsed =
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 5
6 = 6
7 = 7
8 = 8
conflictWarning = nil
groupSpellId = nil
DungeonMusic =
ReleaseRevision = 20241214000000
TaintedByTests = false
Arrow =
RangeCheck =
Test =
Voices =
BattleMusic =
InfoFrame =
Flash =
ModLists =
Difficulties =
Music =
classicSubVersion = 0
HighestRelease = 20241214000000
registeredUnitEvents =
VoiceVersions =
AddOns =
Options =
Victory =
Revision = 20241214215312
Defeat =
DefaultOptions =
Counts =
Nameplate =
HudMap =
DisplayVersion = "11.0.38"
Mods =
L =
AUTO_RRANGE_OPTION_TEXT = "Show reverse range frame (%s) for $spell:%s"
ANNOUNCE_PULL = "Pull in %d sec. (Sent by %s)"
OUT_OF_DATE_NAG = "Your version of DBM is out-of-date and this specific fight mod has newer features or bug fixes. It is recommended you update for this fight to improve your experience."
VERSIONCHECK_ENTRY_TWO = "%s: %s (%s) & %s (%s)"
MPROFILE_COPY_SUCCESS = "%s's (%d spec) mod settings have been copied."
TIMER_FORMAT_MINS = "%d |4minute:minutes;"
ANNOUNCE_PULL_TARGET = "Pulling %s in %d sec. (Sent by %s)"
OVERRIDE_ACTIVATED = "Configuration overrides have been activated for this encounter by RL"
LAG_FOOTER = "No Response: %s"
AUTO_ICONS_OPTION_TARGETS_ALPHA = "Set icons on $spell:%s targets with alphabetical priority"
PROFILE_APPLIED = "'%s' profile applied."
PIZZA_SYNC_INFO = "[%1$s] sent you a DBM timer: '%2$s'
[Cancel this timer] [Ignore timers from %1$s]"
AUTO_ICONS_OPTION_TARGETS = "Set icons on $spell:%s targets"
RANGECHECK_HEADERT = "Range Check (%dy-%dP)"
GEAR_WARNING = "Warning: Check gear. Your equipped ilvl is %d lower than bag ilvl"
RANGECHECK_RHEADER = "R-Range Check (%dy)"


Yeah, I figured that out. For some reason when I migrated to the new computer, not all the modules moved over. I think it's coz the CurseForge App was acting up at the time. I recall having to manually install some mods. No worries though


The error message indicates that your DBM is incredibly out of date. What version is your DBM?


I updated it yesterday :S



DBM isn't out of date, your wrath modules are.