DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)


Check for active pull timer

Sqoops opened this issue · 4 comments


Can you implement a function for outside addons to call if there currently is an active DBM pull timer?


There already is one. any timer creations and stops have a callback. Weak auras even has access to these built in already

You can also just call GetBar function if you wanted to see if one already exists (in case you missed callback). Although I'd rely on callbacks since that's easiest way because if you support that you're unlikely to need GetBar unless you really want to support finding a pull timer if someone reloads ui in middle of one.

Just look for "DBM_TimerStart" callback with a timer name of DBM_CORE_L.TIMER_PULL


Short answer: Ye
Long answer: Yes


Thank you. Unfortunately fireEvent for the pull timer is commented out in the classic version

Line4245 --fireEvent("DBM_TimerStart", "pull", L.TIMER_PULL, timer, "132349", "utilitytimer", nil, 0)


that's because it doesn't start there that was a duplicate event

Trust me, callback is still there. it just no longer needed to be hacked in the way it used to be. I will be removing the confusing commented out line since it doesn't belong anymore. Since it uses a proper timer object now, it already fires it's own DBM_TimerStart event on creation.