DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)


N'Zoth Glare

Nicthalon opened this issue · 4 comments


When N'Zoth does his glare during P3 of the fight, the Glare direction posted by DBM is almost never accurate. It seems to think we always go right on the first glare, and when it's left instead, DBM announcement still says right. Second Glare always says left, regardless of the actual direction.


It tells you which direction beam is going, not what direction YOU should go. if it says beam is going right it means YOU need to be left of it


Never seen that. what difficulty? it's always been correct on mythic and LFR, I assumed normal/heroic would use same directions as LFR, if that's not case I'll just kill feature on those difficulties and call it a day

EDIT, done. Directions will no longer be given on normal or heroic to avoid confusion. This feature will probably never be added to those difficulties at this point because work on bfa mods (outside of bug fixes) is concluded.
