DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)


Add Low level content special warning sound filter option.

MysticalOS opened this issue ยท 0 comments


In some cases, warnings that are high priority (usually airhorn or run away) are deadly only at current level content. When content is old, these warning sounds can actually be more annoying that useful.

Proposed Options:

  1. Store level arg in the special warning objects that say what level that warning should stop using priority sounds and just use a quieter (or no) sound for. Downside, modifying a lot of objects in hundreds of mods, plus fact objects in these cases would have a lot of nils for all leading args. Upside, probably provides most control.
  2. A more direct approach in core. A table of current content by current level. Then in the special warning sound play object it'll run something like if contentTable[CachedInstanceID] >= playerLevel then playsound. This will basically mute special warning sounds on a literally global level when doing old content. Down side to this approach is it's a blanket approach that will mute sounds in situations mechanics are deadly regardless of level (such as orbs on mythic kil jaeden). Blanket approach is cleanest and fastest approach but this disadvantage is one that makes filter have to be off by default, vs option 1 which would 100% have filter ON by default.

The likely approach that will be taken is 2. 1 is both ugly and extremely time consuming one that there quite frankly isn't enough time to do.. Option 2 at least will give users who like to install all the old mods (for timewalking or stats, etc) to at least opt in to create a better mod experience when running old content.