DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)


DBT rewrite bugs

Molkree opened this issue ยท 12 comments


Describe the bug

  • Big timer (>10 seconds) moves downward on every (forced) update. Noticed it on the time to win timer in Battle of Gilneas. I don't mean natural ticking of the timer, only when it is updated forcefully.
  • Getting Lua error when calling /dbm move.
  • :AddTime and :RemoveTime and :Update on timers that are on small bars causes anchor to double for each bar update is called on. Doesn't break on large bars from testing. Then it infinitely sorts timers. If they are large and I run /run DBM:GetModByName(2426):TestAdd(10) test function on council, timers increase by 10 seconds without duplicating when moving back into small. but if I do it again when timers > 11 timers spawn duplicates and then infinitely sort. this problem goes away when sorting is disabled
  • Small timers with offset of 0 and 0 for y and x overlap slightly. large/huge bars seem fine.
  • Bar sorting when bars are paused breaks like fuck
  • Bar animations moving from small to large don't work at all, They just float upward for a second instead of floating toward large bar anchor.
  • When using simple timers (NoAnim) the animation still happens when it's not supposed to at all when using NoAnim mode.
  • Turning on and off right and left icon options in bar appearance no longer live updates the icon correctly, since options stuff is not compliant with the changes to not allowing icons on both ends anymore. Personally the change to that should probably be reverted. No sense in taking away a configuration option. if a user wants icons on both sides let them.

The lua error for move and profiles should be fixed. Artemis forgot the load order and was creating upvalues for DBM-Core before DBM-Core was loaded (so was basically upvaluing nil)

  • :AddTime and :RemoveTime and :Update on timers that are on small bars causes anchor to double for each bar update is called on. Doesn't break on large bars from testing. Then it infinitely sorts timers. If they are large and I run /run DBM:GetModByName(2426):TestAdd(10) test function on council, timers increase by 10 seconds without duplicating when moving back into small. but if I do it again when timers > 11 timers spawn duplicates and then infinitely sort. this problem goes away when sorting is disabled
  • Small timers with offset of 0 and 0 for y and x overlap slightly. large/huge bars seem fine.
  • Bar sorting when bars are paused breaks like fuck
  • Bar animations moving from small to large don't work at all, They just float upward for a second instead of floating toward large bar anchor.
  • When using simple timers (NoAnim) the animation still happens when it's not supposed to at all when using NoAnim mode.

Bar Offset issues:

After DBT Rework small bars were overlapping and large bars were over spaced.

Video Settings:

Bar Settings:

The issue seems to be related to bar scaling. Setting both bars to 1 scaling:

Image before DBT rework


btw reviewing issue, molks unfixed issue might be same as my issue with update/add/remove caused weird ass behaviors. so it's possible it's already fixed. have him confirm that though. extremely odd movements of bar was caused by left over sort code existing from bluewiz still running in addition to yours, the random inserting/removing that was being done in SetElapsed event I removed.


Yes, long timer no longer moves downward on every update, forgot to mark it as fixed.

  • Turning on and off right and left icon options in bar appearance no longer live updates the icon correctly, since options stuff is not compliant with the changes to not allowing icons on both ends anymore. Personally the change to that should probably be reverted. No sense in taking away a configuration option. if a user wants icons on both sides let them.

DBM bar spacing before the changes. I will work on an image after the change.


DBM spacing issue after the rework. UI scale is off. Spacing looks to be 15 to 20 ish pixels off. and the anchor is also off.


@BluespiritWoW Could you send me your export string, so I can replicate this :)


@BluespiritWoW Could you send me your export string, so I can replicate this :)

Do you want my Saved Variables? Is there an export string?


Found it



As the last issue has been fixed as of #541, I am closing this issue till people report any further issues :)

Hurray, list is complete!