DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)


Updated DBM and large/small bar sizes swapped

bgodbgg opened this issue ยท 11 comments


I updated DBM. Suddenly I noticed all my small bars were large and all my large bars were small. In the settings, they got swapped, not sure how. https://imgur.com/a/R270tkR

To Reproduce
It didn't happen for anyone else that I know of?


Which version of DeadlyBossMods are you using?
Alpha 9.0.28-26-ge49be96

Was it working in a previous version? If yes, which was the last good one?
I don't remember the last version I was using unfortunately - I last updated 1-2 weeks ago.

Additional context
omegal told me to open the bug report


I do not. It won't let me update a lua file so I put it in a txt.


Sadly, I've had 3 people test this, and unable to replicate it. I've reviewed the code, and couldn't see anything that could have caused that. So it has to be something 3rd party involved, and not much I can really do here to help.
Sorry for not being much further help.


Np I understand.


Notice in your settings, small bar height is 35, and large bar height is 20 :)


Yes, I didn't change that. It happened automatically when I updated. That's why I was creating the ticket.


Asked again and 2 other people in my guild said it happened to them


Do you have any 3rd party addons that skin DBM bars at all? The default values for the heights are both set to 20...


I do not


Have you at any point modified your bar heights, or were they always 20 prior to the update?


I had modified them at one point which I believe is why it's that the weird 257. MysticalOS mentioned maybe I had changed it during some pixel bug?


Do you have any quirky WeakAuras that work with timer bars at all? Could you send your "DBM-StatusBarTimers.lua" file located within the WTF folder.