DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)

DBM - Deadly Boss Mods (DBM-Core)


attempt to index field 'Bars' (a nil value)

MorElmaliach opened this issue ยท 2 comments



This error is happening ever since 9.1 dropped and it happens in any content involving DBM. I couldn't find a place to report specific dbm-interrupts issues, so I hope this repo is fine as well.
In any case, this is happening all the time and I can't seem to find a solution online to remedy this (even temporarily).

4901x DBM-Interrupts\Interrupt-Interrupt.lua:35: attempt to index field 'Bars' (a nil value)
[string "@DBM-Interrupts\Interrupt-Interrupt.lua"]:35: in function `handler'
[string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-9.1.1.lua"]:894: in function <DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:881>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@DBM-Core\DBM-Core-9.1.1.lua"]:894: in function <DBM-Core\DBM-Core.lua:881>

self =

revision = 20210701004539
categorySort =
DefaultOptions =
iconRestore =
specwarns =
SyncThreshold = 8
timers =
Options =
id = "Displays the CDs of interrupts to you (and your raid in some configurations)."
SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS = defined @DBM-Interrupts\Interrupt.lua:6
modId = "DBM-Interrupts"
localization =
announces =
vb =
optionCategories =
args =
sourceName = "Antor"
destFlags = 2632
destRaidFlags = 0
sourceRaidFlags = 0
spellId = 96231
spellName = "Rebuke"
destName = "Mindseize Controller"
destGUID = "Creature-0-4242-2222-19574-177646-0000E03361"
timestamp = 1625306006.868000
sourceFlags = 1304
sourceGUID = "Player-3702-08A169A9"
key = nil
value = nil
Name = "Rebuke"
ID_no_taint = 96231
Duration = 15
_ = "Rebuke"
SpellIcon = 523893
(for generator) = defined =[C]:-1
(for state) =
Strangulate =
SilencingShot =
OpticalBlast =
Disrupt =
Rebuke =
SpearHandStrike =
WindShear =
MindFreeze =
AvengersShield =
CounterShot =
SpellLock =
Pummel =
Silence =
SolarBeam =
CounterSpell =
SkullBash =
(for control) = "Rebuke"
key = "Rebuke"
value =
1 = "Rebuke"
2 = 96231
3 = 15
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 523893
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = 523893
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field 'Bars' (a nil value)"


DBM-Interrupts is not an addon we support. We gave addon authors months to support our new codebase, and since DBM-Interrupts is no longer developed, its on them.

Apologies if this is an inconvenience for you.


DBM-Interrupts is not an addon we support. We gave addon authors months to support our new codebase, and since DBM-Interrupts is no longer developed, its on them.

Apologies if this is an inconvenience for you.

Thanks for letting me know. I thought this addon was part of the DBM pack because it was installed when I installed DBM from curseforge. I'll be disabling it, then. Cheers.